Computer Engineering - Technical Electives - 2023/2024
Technical Electives
The combination of elective credits required to graduate are noted in the Course Calendar for your specific Cohort. All elective course offerings are subject to a minimum enrollment of 10 students. Courses may be cancelled by the university at any time if enrollment is less than 10. Semester offerings for courses may change without notice. Students should refer to the current Undergraduate Calendar to confirm that the course will be offered in the semester indicated in this program guide.
A maximum of 1.5 credits at the 1000 course level is allowed for elective requirements (this limit applies to all electives, including technical electives, complementary studies electives and free electives, where applicable).(Rule no longer applies as of November 2022)
CENG-1: Computer Engineering Electives (2.0 Credits Required) |
Course Code | Credit | Sem | Course Name | Requisites | Subfield |
CIS*2750 | 0.75 | W | Software Systems Development and Integration | CIS*2520, ENGG*1420 | Software |
CIS*3750 | 0.75 | F,W | Systems Analysis and Design in Applications | 9.00 credits including CIS*2520 and ENGG*1420 | Software |
CIS*3760 | 0.75 | F,W | Software Engineering | CIS*2750, CIS*3750 | Software |
CIS*4720 | 0.50 | W (Odd Years) | Image Processing and Vision | CIS*2750, CIS*3110, STAT*2120 | Robotics and AI |
ENGG*3130 | 0.50 | W | Modelling Complex Systems | ENGG*2400, STAT*2120, ENGG*1410 | |
ENGG*3700 | 0.50 | F | Optimization for Engineers | MATH*2130, MATH*2270, ENGG*1410 | |
ENGG*4080 | 0.50 | F | Micro and Nano Scale Electronics | ENGG*3450 | |
ENGG*4200 | 0.50 | F | Wireless Sensor Networks | ENGG*3640 | Microsystems |
ENGG*4430 | 0.50 | W | Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing Systems | ENGG*3410 | |
ENGG*4460 | 0.50 | F | Robotic Systems | ENGG*1500, ENGG*2400 | Robotics and AI |
ENGG*4560 | 0.75 | W | Embedded Systems Design | ENGG*3380 or ENGG*3640 | Microsystems |