Welcome to Guelph Engineering!

The University of Guelph engineering program is an interesting and exciting learning environment. There is a lot to learn as you enter your first year and we want to help you prepare and succeed. To help get you started please review the following information.

Support Team

Our team of Program Counsellors are here to help you transition from high school to the Guelph Engineering program.  The Engineering Counselling Office can provide assistance with academic and personal issues that are influencing your academics. Please contact us anytime for assistance.

Engineering Program Counselling Office
(Located in the hallway beside the Thornbourgh Atrium - Look for the 'Academic Advising' sign in the main hallway)
Albert A Thornbrough Building
Receiption Office - THRN 1401
50 Stone Road East, Guelph Ontario N1G 2W1
519-824-4120 ext. 56672
Email: engcouns@uoguelph.ca
Book Appointment: www.uoguelph.ca/engineering/content/current/counselling

Key Dates

  • June to September - Fall Course Registration
  • August - Access The Quad on Courselink
  • 1st Week of September - Orientation
  • 2nd Week of September - Fall Courses Commence
  • October - Fall Break
  • November - Winter Course Registration
  • December - Fall Semester Exams
  • January - Winter Courses Commence
  • February - Winter Break
  • March - Apply for Coop
  • April - Winter Semester Exams

Your First Year

  1. Understand the Requirements for Your Degree - The Program Guide outlines all your courses (both required and elective) to graduate with your degree. On a regular basis, you should review the guide for your major to ensure you are on track to graduate. Please note that there are specific program guides for each cohort year. Your cohort year is the year you started in the program. For example, for students starting in the Fall 2024 semester, your cohort is year is referred to as 2024/2025. 
  2. Register For Your First Semester Courses - Registration begins with reviewing your Student Registration Handbook and the How to use Webadvisor website.  The site will have tips on using WebAdvisor, which is the program you use to add courses. It includes possible errors you might encounter, and what to do when you encounter them. When students can begin registration is based on the number of credits completed. Refer to the Course Selection Window information page to understand when you can register. You should register as soon as possible as availability in desired selections will decrease over the course selection period. However, don't panic if you are unable to get into any of your required courses. More space will open up in the sections eventually.

    When registering for your courses: Start with ENGG*1100. Please note that each section of ENGG*1100 has two lab times, and you must attend both. Next, pick your CHEM*1040 lecture timeslots.  There are different lecture sections for this course, but only some options will work with the ENGG*1100 section you have registered for already.  Add in the labs.  Next, choose your MATH*1200 and PHYS*1130 sections.  Adjust CHEM*1040 if necessary. Finally choose either ENGG*1500, ENGG*1410 or CIS*1500 (depending on your program... see below).  If you are in Undeclared and planning to declare into Computer or Systems Engineering, then you should select ENGG*1410. Otherwise, take the CIS*1500 course as your programming course. CIS*1500 requires no knowledge of programming. ENGG*1410 assumes you have prior knowledge of programing. 

    The courses for your first semester, are the following:
PROGRAM #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Biological ENGG*1100 MATH*1200 PHYS*1130 CHEM*1040 ENGG*1500
Biomedical ENGG*1100 MATH*1200 PHYS*1130 CHEM*1040 ENGG*1500
Computer ENGG*1100 MATH*1200 PHYS*1130 CHEM*1040 ENGG*1410
Systems ENGG*1100 MATH*1200 PHYS*1130 CHEM*1040 ENGG*1410
Mechanical ENGG*1100 MATH*1200 PHYS*1130 CHEM*1040 CIS*1500
Environmental ENGG*1100 MATH*1200 PHYS*1130 CHEM*1040 ENGG*1500
Water Resources ENGG*1100 MATH*1200 PHYS*1130 CHEM*1040 ENGG*1500
Undeclared ENGG*1100 MATH*1200 PHYS*1130 CHEM*1040 CIS*1500 or ENGG*1410
  1. Personal Computers - During your degree, you'll use a wide variety of specialized software packages for design, simulation, and analysis. To access this software, the School of Engineering has ten computer labs with a total of 425 computers which are loaded with everything you'll need to complete your coursework. All students have 24/7 access to computer labs using their student card so you will be able to do your work at whatever time suits your schedule.

    If you have more questions about the computer labs, the software you will use, or purchasing a laptop, please feel free to contact the Engineering IT help desk and they'll do their best to help you out. Computing and Communication Services provides IT services to the University of Guelph community. They have a support page for undergraduate students. This page provides useful information on network services, IT support and software available on campus. 
  2. Attend Orentation Events
    1. SPRING ACADEMIC OPEN HOUSE - Every year, there is a Future Gryphon Days Open House in May to present information to students and their parents about the transition to Guelph Engineering from high school. It also provides information on academic and non-academic resources available for students. Plan to attend this open house to help prepare you for the fall. This is a great opportunity to come and ask your questions!
    2. ORIENTATION WEEK - Academic related events planned for orientation week will be updated in the summer.  
  3. Connect With Resources
    1. Accessibility Services - Student Accessiblity Services (SAS) helps students who experience disabilities with full and equitable participation in academic life. You need to apply to Student Accessibility Services to access support and accomodations. More information can be found here: Student Accessibility Services
    2. Mathematics and Statistics Learning Centre - If you find you are struggling with Calculus or Algebra, the Library operates a drop in centre staffed by Teaching Assistants. More information can be found here: Math and Stats Learning Centre
    3. Academic Coaching - The transition from high school to university can be difficult especially for those who don't have strong study skills. Resources and workshops offered through the library can support students in academic skill development. More information can be found here: Library Study Resources and Workshops
    4. Engineering Peer Helpers are experienced engineering students providing help to their peers. They offer drop-in and by-appointment study groups to help you develop your problem-solving skills. More information can be found here: Engineering Peer Helpers
    5. International Student Advising (ISA) - The ISA provides advising to international students about housing, academic concerns, immigration, financial difficulties and culture shock. More information can be found here: International Student Advising
  4. Attend Class - Courses begin on September 5, 2024. You can expect your courses will take you about 50 to 60 hours per week. This work includes attending classes, completing assignments and preparing for tests. You will have midterm exams to help you identify how well you understand the courses. Lectures are usually three hours per week and taught by our faculty. Seminars allow you to ask questions to Teaching Assistants. Labs provide an opportunity for group work and provide a hands on learning component to the course. 
  5. Keep up with Coursework - It is important to keep up with the coursework starting in the first week as it can quickly move from review into new material. University courses move much quicker than high school courses and the expectations are much higher. If you don't have strong study skills coming out of high school, now is the time to develop them. The library has excellent resources to help you. Developing a study group with peers can also be an effective way to keep yourself accountable and help you learn from each other. 
  6. Prepare for Exams - Final exams for the fall semester run for two weeks. Your exams dates are scheduled at the start of the semester. As the exam period can be stressful for many, it is best to start planning your exam studying well before the exam period starts. There are many resources available through the library to help you prepare for writing exams. If you experience significant stress preparing and writing exams, it is strongly encouraged you reach out to counselling services to help you develop strategies to deal with this stress. Note if there is a winter storm in December and the university needs to close, the exam date would move to the end of the exam period. Keep this in mind if you are planning any trips following the final exams. 
  7. Apply for COOP - If you did not apply for coop from high school but wish to apply, there is an opportunity during your first year. Students who acheive at least 70% cumulative average in their first year of university can apply for coop. The deadline for applications is the last day of classes for the winter semester. More information can be found here.