
Bill Van Heyst

Prof Featured on Global News

Prof. Bill Van Heyst appeared on Global News Oct. 17. He was asked to provide expert opinion on a new report about oil refineries and their effects on communities in Sarnia, Ont. Van Heyst, who is an expert in air quality, said allegations included in the report should be investigated. Van Heyst also researches agricultural air emissions and environmental engineering, and is the research program director of environmental sustainability in the School of Engineering.

U of Guelph Wins for Stormwater Design Competition at WEFTEC 2017

U of Guelph Wins for Stormwater Design Competition at WEFTEC 2017

Students from the University of Guelph have won the environmental design category for their stormwater project, Stormwater Management Feasibility Study for Exhibition Place in Toronto ON.

The Student Design Competition was held at WEFTEC 2017, WEF’s 90th annual technical exhibition and conference. This was the first win for the University of Guelph (Water Environment Association of Ontario).

For the full story, click here.

The Engineering Society's Annual Teeter-Totter-a-Thon!



The Engineering Society is running its annual Teeter-Totter-a-Thon for Marianne's Place (Guelph Centre for Women in Crisis). We will be running a teeter-totter for 24 hours straight and will have live music! It will be held 5pm Tuesday September 26th - 5pm Wednesday September 27th beside the cannon. Please stop by to show your support for the cause and we will be accepting donations.

We hope to see you there! 

Courtney Steingart and Annie Krueger - Engineering Society Charity Officers

GoENG Girl 2017

Go ENG Girl is a free event geared towards girls from grades 7 to 11 and their parents who can visit local university campuses across Ontario to learn about the exciting world of engineering. Young girls and their parents can meet and learn from women in the engineering profession, academics, and students through hands on activities, student exhibits, speaker sessions, and much more.

Engineering Prof Receives National NSERC Honour

Engineering Prof Receives National NSERC Honour

A provincial outreach organization begun by a University of Guelph engineering professor has received the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Award for Science Promotion.

Name Change of College to College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

At the Senate meeting on May 23, 2017, President Vaccarino announced that as per the Senate-approved policy “Naming of Academic Entities and Awards”, the name of the College of Physical and Engineering Science will be changed to the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, effective immediately.