
Morwick G360 - World Water Day 2023 - Accelarting Change

Morwick G360 - World Water Day 2023 - Accelarting Change

On March 22 we celebrated World Water Day – Accelerating Change, by hosting a half day, hybrid (virtual and in-person) event, with an introduction by Dr. Ferdinando Manna, followed by talks from three guest speakers. 

Engineering Design Day 2023

Engineering Design Day 2023

On Thursday, April 6th, engineering students gathered in the Thornbrough building for the School of Engineering’s biggest annual event: Engineering Design Day. This year family, friends, faculty, staff, alumni, and industry professionals, gathered to  see the accomplishments of the U of G’s engineering students from all 7 disciplines. The School of Engineering is proud to have made design the foundation of their studies, allowing U of G Engineers to create and design solutions to Improve Life

Engineering Student Feature - Het Shah

Engineering Student Feature - Het Shah

Het chose an adventure when he decided to come to Canada, leaving his friends and family in Kuwait for the first time in his life. His first few months were a challenge, having to adapt and adjust to an entirely different language and culture, but after a while, he found himself a new home where he has made life-long friends.

Engineering student Hallee Woodard wins Diana Matheson Resilience Scholarship

Engineering student Hallee Woodard wins Diana Matheson Resilience Scholarship

On Wednesday, March 22nd, the University of Guelph celebrated gender equity with the annual HeForShe event, a cross campus initiative supported by the Lang School of Business, Gryphon Athletics, and the School of Engineering. Two-time Olympic bronze medalist and former professional soccer player Diana Matheson was the keynote speaker, sharing her journey of resilience through losing, injuries, retirement and her new initiative Project 8, to help launch Canada’s first women’s professional soccer league.  

U of G CEPS 3MT®

U of G CEPS 3MT®

On Tuesday, March 28th, the CEPS 3MT® college heat welcomed 8 participants who had 3 minutes to present their thesis.

Re-engineering the waffle

Re-engineering the waffle

This past weekend the University of Guelph opened its doors for Campus Day, a chance for high school students to tour the campus and speak with current Gryphons and staff. Over 2500 attendees enjoyed a sunny and action-packed day, getting the chance to envision a future life at U of G this Fall.

U of G Researchers share their work and why World Water Day matters

U of G Researchers share their work and why World Water Day matters

This year’s World Water Day is focused on accelerating change towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030. The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences is home to many faculty and researchers with expertise in water and sanitation. They are continually working towards creating water and sanitation solutions that support SDG6 and improve life for all.