Web Based tools

World Weather for Water Data Service (W3S)

W3S is a Data as a Service (DaaS) platform that allows application users to download climate data of a pre-specified region within any watershed across the globe. The weather data can be downloaded in multiple hydrologic model compatible formats including SWAT, HEC-HMS and generic CSV format for compatibility with other hydrologic models, including GR4J and Machine Learning based rainfall runoff models. W3S can thus be considered a global weather data playgoround designed to swiftly assist users with developing both conceptual and data-driven hydrologic and rainfall-runoff models.

Link: https://www.uoguelph.ca/watershed/w3s/


Great Lakes Weather Data Service for SWAT (Can-GLWS)

Can-GLWS is a Data as a Service (DaaS) platform that allows application users to download SWAT-ready climate data (historical, climate change scenarios and weather statistics) of a pre-specified region within the Canadian Great Lakes watersheds. The aim of this application is to remove the redundancy associated with SWAT-model weather data preparation. Service / app users simply need to provide / delineate their area of interest (within the Canadian Great Lakes watersheds), and they can subsequently download their desired SWAT-model-ready weather inputs (historical, climate change-related or weather statistics).

Link: https://www.uoguelph.ca/watershed/glws/


Asia Pacific Weather Statistics (APWS)  

APWS is a web-based Data as a Service (DaaS) application. The statistics data embedded within APWS is provided for use with SWAT (https://swat.tamu.edu) hydrologic models and / or the WXGN weather generator, for generating synthetic weather time-series for any location (or multiple locations) in the Asia Pacific region. The APWS application provides weather statistics at a 0.25 degree spatial resolution, and allows users to select and download weather statistics (ready for use with the SWAT model) for any area within the Asia Pacific region. The area is selected using either i) a map-based interactive polygon drawing tool or ii) user input of a shape file.

Link: https://www.uoguelph.ca/watershed/apws