Women in Engineering

NEWS!  2024 RiSE Date Announced - Click here to find out more! 

The University of Guelph is increasing awareness of STEM among thousands of girls and women, as well as supporting the inclusion and retention of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) through student-focused programs. In November 2022, a series of new initiatives were launched under the umbrella of the Doody Family Chair for Women in Engineering to help close the engineering gender gap.

Jana Levison looking at a model of a ground water table Meet Jana Levison, PhD, P.Eng., the inaugural Doody Family Chair for Women in Engineering. Dr. Levison is an Associate Professor in Water Resources Engineering at the University of Guelph. Learn more about Levison

The Doody Family Chair for Women in Engineering was created in 2022 via a generous gift from Brian and Diana Doody, and at the time of its announcement, was the latest and largest in a string of philanthropic investments by the Doody Family to the University of Guelph. Both retired engineers in Waterloo ON, Brian and Diana are the parents of Laura Ranieri (nee Doody; B.ENG ’09), whose exceptional undergraduate experience at Guelph’s School of Engineering was part of the inspiration for the family’s support of this Chair. The gift will be fully matched by the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, School of Engineering and the President's Office and support the activities of the Doody Family Chair for Women in Engineering for at least the next 15 years.The gift was announced during an event held on campus Nov. 1, 2022. Click here for the full story: Doody Family Gift Announcement 



What We Are Doing

Female student performing an experiment in the fluid mechanics lab.

The retention and inclusion of women in engineering is important to The University of Guelph. Learn about what we are doing in order to support and encourage women in STEM. 


Group photo of women attending a RISE conference in the Albert A. Thornborough atrium.

Learn about upcoming events at The University of Guelph that plan on supporting and encouraging women in STEM.


Women in the News

Young girls posing around the University of Guelph cannon. The cannon has been painted, reading "#WOMEN IN STEM".

Check out the articles about Women in STEM in the News! Lots of initiatives and research in this area. 


Current Students

Group photo of volunteers for GoEngGirl from the Women in Science and Engineering club at the University of Guelph.

The retention of current students in engineering is very important to us. Learn about mentor and mentee opportunities as well as other student opportunities in the Univeristy of Guelph Engineering.

Chair Objectives

Retention and Inclusion

Professional Development for Students

Community Outreach  

Building Community


Contact Information

Jean Hein, Manager of Outreach, CEPS: jhein@uoguelph.ca

Jana Levison, Associate Professor, SOE: jlevison@uoguelph.ca