Experimental Facilities
SEM In-Situ Tensile Stage (acquired through SOE RTI Grant)
- MTI SEMTester 1000
- 1000 lb (4.4kN) capacity
- Tension/compression testing
- Heating Stage up to 1000 C (Optional accessory not in-house)
- 3 and 4-Point Bending Fixtures (Optional accessory not in-house)
Gleeble 1500D (Donation from ArcelorMittal Dofasco, awaiting installation)
- Upgraded digital control system (2005)
- Thermal-Mechanical simulator
- High precision temperature-time control
- Uniaxial and Compression Testing
- Dilatometry testing
- Heat treatment simulation
- Melting and solidification
Keyence VHX-5000 DIgitial Optical Microscope (Acquired for the SOE Materials Science Lab through Denso NA Grant)
- Free angle stand with motorized XYZ stage
- Zoom Lens - 250x - 2500x
FEI Quanta 250 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (Access through Advanced Analysis Center at UG)
- Environmental capability
- Extremely high magnification capability (100,000x)
- Cooling Stage
Struers Semi-Automated Polisher and Wet-Cut Saw (Access through SOE Material Science Lab)
HP Z640 Computing
- 10 Core Intel Xeon E5 CPU
- NVIDIA Quadro K2200 Graphics Card
- Software: LSTC LS-Dyna, Hyperwork, ANSYS, SolidWorks