Search for Experiential Learning Opportunities

Experiential Learning (EL) at the University of Guelph means learning through doing. Whether part of an academic course or not, experiential learning provides you with the opportunity to apply course material to real-world contexts. Through experiential learning, you can take control of your degree by acquiring new knowledge, engaging in your community, and gaining concrete experience that prepare you for the future.

To view available curricular and co-curricular opportunities please visit the Experience Guelph Catalogue or log in to Experience Guelph

Types of Experiential Learning

Experience Profiles

  • Emerson is a recent graduate from the University of Guelph. During his undergrad he was involved in experiential learning opportunities such as community engaged learning courses, undergraduate research assistantship (URA), a peer helper role and independent research. These opportunities helped define his academic path and led him to pursue a Masters degree.