On-boarding Guidelines

Whether your opportunity involves students coming to engage with your organization, or your organization going in to the classroom, it is helpful to follow on-boarding procedures that familiarize students with their role and your organization. 

  • Communicate to relevant staff within your organization about the involvement of students, the scope of their work, and the duration of their involvement.  
  • Provide students with an orientation to your organization, informing them of your history, mandate, relevant policies and introducing them to the workplace culture. 
  • If you are hosting students at your location, provide health and safety training as required by Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario, and ensure students are familiar with your health and safety procedures.
  • It is helpful to review the role description, expectations and deliverables with the student once their involvement with your organization is formalized.
  • Provide any necessary training the student will need before beginning their role with your organization.
  • Inform the students of staff members at your organization they can reach out to for further support, or if they have questions. 
  • If a student discloses a disability, it is best practice to take it in good faith, and mandatory to maintain confidentiality and provide accommodation to the student. 
    • Remember, students are not required to disclose their exact diagnosis, but should inform you of their limitations and abilities as they affect their role. 
    • Not all disabilities are visible. People with invisible disabilities may also require accommodation in the workplace. 
  • Maintain open channels of communication with the student and staff member at the University. 

Experience Profiles

  • Phoebe started off her university journey by signing up for an experiential first year seminar. She went on to do an Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA), multiple project serve reading week programs and was a peer helper with the Wellness Education Centre.