S20 Undergraduate Research Showcase Presentation Archive

The Summer Undergraduate Research Showcase happened the week of August 24-28, 2020. Watch the 24 students from across campus showcase their summer research projects in 3-5 minute videos, then watch the recorded live Question & Answer sessions that ran August 25-27, 2020.

For more information contact experience@uoguelph.ca.

Don't forget to watch the student videos before attending the live Question & Answer events.

College of Biological Science

Watch Olivia Balkwill's research showcase video on YouTube.Olivia BalkwillWhich Factors Affect the Levels of Mycorrhizal Colonization in Plant Roots?
Live Q&A on
Thursday, August 27, 12:30 - 1:30 pm


 Watch Brooke Davidson's research showcase video on YouTube.Brooke Davidson, The Effects of Isometric Training on Time-Dependent Measures and Power in a Restricted and an Unrestricted Range of Motion
Live Q&A on
Thursday, August 27, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Watch Emilie Houston's research showcase video on YouTube.Emilie HoustonAuthentic Assessment
Live Q&A on
Thursday, August 27, 12:30 - 1:30 pm


 Watch Kiana Lee's research showcase video on YouTube.Kiana Lee, The Effects of Pollinator Declines on Floral Longevity
Live Q&A on
Tuesday, August 25, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Watch Kyle Madden's research showcase video on YouTube.Kyle Madden, Investigating Juvenile Sea Urchin Growth and Development Through Differential Gene Expression Analysis
Live Q&A on
Tuesday, August 25, 12:30 - 1:30 pm


Watch Jillian McGroarty's research showcase video on YouTube.Jillian McGroarty, Arthropod Monitoring and Sorting
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 12:00 - 1:00 pm


Watch Jessica Whittaker's research showcase video on YouTube.Jessica Whittaker, Regulation of ISG15 and HIF in the Hypoxic Response of Cancer
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 1:30 - 2:30 pm

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Watch Julia Billings' research showcase video on YouTube.Julia Billings, Using FeBIO and Artisynth to Develop 3D Finite Elements to Model Muscle Tissues in the Leg
Live Q&A on
Thursday, August 27, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Watch Giovanni D'Ambrosio's research showcase video on YouTube.Giovanni D'AmbrosioDynamic Response of Auxetic Materials for Blast-Protection Applications
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 10:30 am - 11:30 am


Watch Ralph De Castro's research showcase video on YouTube.Ralph De Castro, A Data Marketplace Implementation on Blockchain Using the Hyperledger Platform
Live Q&A on
Tuesday, August 25, 12:30 - 1:30 pm


Watch Nate Nethercott's research showcase video on YouTube.Nate Nethercott, Permafrost Feedback in Arctic Climate
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Watch Allie Grady's research showcase video on YouTube.Allie Grady, Exploring Religious Diversity in Canadian Hospitals
Live Q&A on
Tuesday, August 25, 12:30 - 1:30 pm


Watch Laryssa Laurignano's research showcase video on YouTube.Laryssa Laurignano, Reducing Pain and Fear During Child Venipuncture
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 1:30 - 2:30 pm


 Watch Zane White's research showcase video on YouTube.Zane White, Monitoring Flood Dynamics in the Carolinas using GIS and Remote Sensing
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Lang School of Business and Economics

Watch Nicole Bena's research showcase video on YouTube.Nicole BenaMeasuring Community Outcomes in the Mining Industry
Live Q&A on
Tuesday, August 25, 12:30 - 1:30 pm


 Watch Srinidhi Balaji's research showcase video on YouTube.Srinidhi BalajiCompetition through Risky Marketing Strategies: the 4Ps Consideration
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 10:30 am - 11:30 am


Watch Juliana Quan's research showcase video on YouTube.Juliana Quan, Research in Business Ethics
Live Q&A on
Tuesday, August 25, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Watch Amina Saher's research showcase video on YouTube.Amina Saher, Diaspora Tourism Among Immigrants in Canada
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 1:30 - 2:30 pm

Ontario Agricultural College

Watch Jacob Brost's research showcase video on YouTube.Jacob Brost, Ultrasounds Capabilities and Common Pectoral Injuries
Live Q&A on Thursday, August 27, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Watch Chloe Katsademas' research showcase video on YouTube.Chloe Katsademas, The Impact of 'Climate-Smart' Agricultural Practices on Crop Surface Characteristics and Albedo
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 10:30 am - 11:30 am


Watch Anna Naim's research showcase video on YouTube.Anna Naim, Investigating Feather Corticosterone in Turkeys
Live Q&A on 
Tuesday, August 25, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Watch Rebekah Wilson's research showcase video on YouTube.Rebekah Wilson, Artificially Inseminating Three Lines of Chickens Selected for Feather Pecking Behaviour
Live Q&A on 
Wednesday, August 26, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Ontario Veterinary College

Watch Anthony Nguyen's research showcase video on YouTube.Anthony Nguyen, Characterizing Neuron Morphology of Burst Firing and Regular Firing Neurons in the Mouse Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Live Q&A on Thursday, August 27, 12:30 - 1:30 pm


 Watch Cassidy Van Den Diepstraten's research showcase video on YouTube.Cassidy Van Den Diepstraten, Establishing Genetic Markers of Bisphenols Exposure and Fertilization Potential in Sperm
Live Q&A on
Wednesday, August 26, 1:30 - 2:30 pm

Experience Profiles

  • Jack graduated from the University of Guelph with a major in History and a minor in Philosophy. He was a Peer Helper and in a curricular context, took multiple experiential courses which were project and research based.