Curricular Experiential Learning Inventory and Tagging

The Experiential Learning Hub works with academic departments, the Office of Quality Assurance, the Office of the Registrar, and the Office of Institutional Research and Planning to maintain a comprehensive list of all University of Guelph courses that offer experiential learning. Keeping an accurate and up-to-date inventory allows us to support:

  • Students and their advisors in identifying courses that best connect to personal, academic, and career goals
  • Departments in understanding the depth and breadth of experiential learning offerings in their department
  • The institution in telling the story of experiential learning to stakeholders such as current and prospective employers, community partners, donors, and government
  • Our goal of ensuring every undergraduate student completes at least one experiential learning opportunity by the time they graduate

How do you know what courses are experiential learning?

  • The first comprehensive inventory of all undergraduate experiential learning courses offered by the University of Guelph and the University of Guelph-Humber took place in 2018 with the help of all academic departments.
  • New courses are identified as experiential learning during the curriculum development process. On the New Course Addition Form, there is space to rank up to three types of experiential learning and to indicate which of the six criteria they meet. This information is passed on to the Experiential Learning Hub after it is approved at the Board of Undergraduate Studies.
  • Starting in 2020, an annual review process will take place within each college. This process helps to capture changes to experiential learning in existing courses.

What do you mean by "tagging" a course as experiential learning?

All courses identified as experiential learning are assigned a code in Colleague based on the experience type. These tags allow for synchronization between Colleague and Experience Guelph.

What is the annual Experiential Learning Tagging Process?

Each year Colleges are given the opportunity to review their current inventory of Experiential Learning courses and make any necessary changes. This is also when Colleges identify any section-level experiential level opportunities from that year.


Daniel Poulin
Manager, Experineital Learning Development and Recognition

Experience Profiles