Experiential Learning Risk Management Forms and Processes

Students in Course-based Unpaid Work Placements

Administered through Occupational Health and Wellness (OHW)

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) provides coverage for students participating in unpaid work placement (also known as community engaged learning (CEL) or workplace integrated learning (WIL)) activities. Coverage through MCU is for students that are placed by their program with employers to obtain work experience on unpaid training placements. These placements are part of an approved program that is funded through MCU operating grant. If the Placement Employer has coverage through WSIB for their own employees the Student Trainees will have WSIB coverage through the MCU. If the Placement Employer does not have WSIB coverage for their own employees, the Student Trainees will be covered under CHUBB Insurance, which is a private insurance carrier, through the MCU.

All courses with unpaid work placements must notify Occupational Health and Wellness (ohw@uoguelph.ca) at the end of each semester.

Review the full Students in Unpaid Work Placements policy, procedures, and associated forms.

Off-Campus Activities, Research and Field Trips

Administered through Occupational Health and Wellness (OHW)

This policy applies to all University of Guelph employees (faculty, staff), students, volunteers and visitors involved in the organizing and/or participation in off-campus activities and travel related to sanctioned off-campus activities of the University.

Review the full Off-Campus Activities, Research and Field Trips policy, procedures, and associated forms.

Students involved with U of G Recognized Student Organizations

Administered through the Central Student Association (CSA) and Student Experience

Student Events & Risk Management is the independent event and risk management program connected to the insurance policies used by all Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) at the University of Guelph who do not hold their own independent event insurance policy. The goal of the program is to minimize risks associated with events through policy, process, and education. The process is managed by a committee made up of policyholders and the Coordinator and overseen by two staff supervisors; one in the CSA and one in Student Experience.

Questions can be directed to the SE&RM Coordinator: srm@uoguelph.ca.

Photo Release Forms

Experience Profiles

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