Curricular Experiential Learning Inventory Process

This page provides detailed information to support faculty and staff completing the annual Curricular Experiential Learning (EL) inventory.

2023-2024 Inventory Information

  • Deadline: Diploma and undergraduate courses should be confirmed as verified by May 31, 2024 by sending an e-mail to with the ADA (Academic) cc'd (U of G, Ridgetown) or Program Head cc'd (Guelph-Humber). Graduate courses should be confirmed by June 28, 2024.
  • Graduate-level EL courses: Please indicate EL status for each Graduate course on the inventory as you would for undergraduate EL courses.

Inventory Help

  • Live Curricular Experiential Learning Inventory Information Sessions will be scheduled in April.
  • Information sessions provide an overview of the purpose of curricular EL inventory, EL definitions and criteria, and the inventory process.
  • Access a recorded version of the Curricular Experiential Learning Inventory Information Session.
  • For questions about the inventory, contact

Curricular Experiential Learning Inventory Spreadsheets

  • Each academic department and school is provided an inventory spreadsheet to verify all experiential learning courses held within that unit within a specified academic year.
  • Spreadsheets are shared with department and school Chairs, the Associate Dean (Academic), and other identified experiential learning contacts within each College.
  • The inventory requires a Smartsheet account.

Curricular Experiential Learning Inventory Spreadsheet Column Instructions

The following are detailed instructions on how to complete each column of the curricular EL inventory spreadsheets.

Course Outlines (column 1 - paper clip icon)

Please attach the course outline for all courses identified Course-level EL or Section-level EL using the "paperclip" icon in the first column of the Smartsheet.

Comments (column 2 - speech bubble icon)

Use this column to provide comments on the information provided. These comments can be read by anyone with access to the inventory.

College and Department

These are based on information from Colleague. If edits are required to these columns, contact

Course Code and Course Name

Course names should match WebAdvisor.

EL Status

During an inventory, we ask that each EL course's status is updated to reflect its status for the requested year. We provide the status for the prior inventory year as reference.

  • Course-level EL (Ministry 6) - All sections of this course meet all six Ministry EL criteria and this course is always offered as EL regardless of instructor or section.
  • Section-level EL (Ministry 6) - One or more sections of this course have met all six Ministry EL criteria for the requested year only. The course is not guaranteed to be EL every semester. Please indicated semester/section combinations that were EL in the "Sections Offered as EL" column.
  • DevEL (Ministry 3-5) - This course meets 3-5 Ministry EL criteria and the College wishes the EL Hub to keep track for developmental purposes.
  • Future Course - This is a BUGS/BGS approved course that will be offered in future years, but has not been offered yet.
  • Deleted Course - This course is no longer offered.
  • Remove from Inventory - This course should no longer be tacked during the annual EL inventory.

Ministry Criteria Met (auto-completed)

This section is auto-completed based on the number of "yes" answers to the six EL criteria. Sums of course that meet all six criteria will appear in green.

Section-level EL Course Sections offered as EL

Required for Section-level EL only.

  • All Course-level EL (Ministry 6) will be set to ALL, as regardless of section or instructor, this course should always be EL.
  • All Section-level EL requires the section number and corresponding semester that met all 6 Ministry EL criteria (e.g. F21-01, W22-04 would mean section 1 of F21 and 4 of W22 were EL). If a section-level EL course was not offered in the inventory year, indicate "Not Offered" in the column. This will keep it on the list for the next inventory.
  • Course sections are not required for DevEL, future, or course deletion statuses.

EL Category and Criteria

Review the curricular EL typology and the U of G contextualization of Ministry EL criteria to help in understanding the types of curricular EL and the six Ministry criteria.

Experiential Hours

Required for Guelph-Humber courses.
Optional for Guelph and Ridgetown courses.

Include a number if your course has a set number of experiential hours (i.e. students must complete a 40-hour placement, indicate 40 hours).

Unpaid Placement Required

We are asking this question to support Occupational Health and Wellness in identifying courses that may need to be submitted to the MCU for insurance purposes. Refer to the Students in Unpaid Work Placements Program for more information.

Partnership Questions

Indicate if the course engages an industry, community, or campus partner, or a licensed professional.

Curriculum Questions

  • Indicate if the course is required or a restricted elective for any academic programs.
  • Use the Curriculum Notes column to record any detailed notes.

Anticipated KSA 1-5

Required for Course-level and Section-level EL only.
Not available for Guelph-Humber courses.

Please review and make changes as necessary bearing in mind the KSAs selected should be connected directly to course learning outcomes and assessments. These KSAs are meant to give students an indication of the knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes they can reasonable assume to develop through completion of the course. Courses will be tagged with these KSAs in the Experience Guelph system to make searching in the Experiential Catalogue more robust for students. Review the definitions and sources for the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSA) list.

Course Notes and Information

Additional space for notes on the course.

Experience Profiles

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