Work Study Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I edit my posting after it has gone live?

Any edits you make to your posting after it is live will result in your posting moving back into “Pending” until re-approved by the Experiential Learning Hub. While in “Pending” students will not be able to apply. To make small changes, please contact to expedite this process.

Someone else has the job I need to hire for attached to their Experience Guelph Employer account. How do I get it transferred to me?

View the Changing Work Study Job Owners section of the Work Study Job Posting Guide.

How do I know which applicants are approved for Work Study?

Because the Experience Guelph system integrates with Colleague, our campus Registrar system, only students who have Work Study approval will be able to apply for open positions. Students will also attach a copy of their approval for quality assurance.

Can a student apply directly to me and not through the system?

No. We need all students to submit an application through the system in order to ensure that they are approved for Work Study. This also allows us to better track application statistics so we can get a sense of demand for Work Study positions.

I have a student that has held this position before that wants to return. Do I have to re-post my job? Do they have the “re-apply”?

We are asking that all supervisors that intend to hire a student re-post their jobs through the system so that their position can be assigned a new job ID number for the year. This allows us to better track how many positions are actively seeking to hire and allows us to better manage capacity.

If you are planning to re-hire only students that have previously worked for you, please write "REHIRE" at the beginning of the job title. When your job is approved, it will be posted to an "expired" state so that it will not collect additional applications. Supervisors must ensure their re-hire is approved for Work Study and submit a new Confirmation of Employment form. Learn how to make an offer and confirm Work Study employment for new and returning students.

Experience Profiles

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