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Deepananda Herath has been short-listed for an Assistant Professor position at the University of Manitoba. In preparation for his interview he has offered to share his view via a seminar presentation with the intention of receiving feedback. Herath’s seminar entitled “Health Enhancing Food and Supplement Manufacturers of Canada: A Perspective” will take place on Monday, April 21, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 101, J.D. MacLachlan Bldg.

Chatura J.R. Pulasinghage has joined the Dept. of FARE as a Visiting Researcher for the period April 1 through July 31, 2008. Chatura is participating in research with Prof. Brady Deaton examining the issue of property rights in the context of Sri Lanka. His office is located in Room 009 of the J.D. MacLachlan Bldg.

Kyle Maw, B.Comm (AGBU) is the recipient of this year’s Brian D. Sullivan Student Leadership Award. This is a very prestigious award presented to a graduating student who has made significant contributions to student leadership through her/his involvement as an elected or appointed student representative at the University of Guelph.