Dec 4th, 2017
This workshop will be at UC Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics in Davis, California on Thursday, December 7, 2017, 4:10 PM - 5:30 PM.

Is there too much history in...
Nov 30th, 2017
Date:  Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Time:  2:30-4:00 pm
Room:  MCLN 107


The tremendous growth in the production of biofuels in the past decade has...
Nov 30th, 2017
Yu Na Lee, an Assistant Professor in the Department, will be at the FAO in Rome this week.  She will present her paper “Commodity price volatility and migration:...
Nov 20th, 2017
Alan Ker, a Professor in the Department, will be in Arizona this week, where he will be giving a talk entitled “Is there Too Much History in Historical Yield Data?”. ...
Oct 27th, 2017
University of Rhode Island
Department of Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
Seminar Series 2017-2018
Fridays 11:00 am – 12:00pm
Weaver Auditorium
Kingston Coastal...
Oct 27th, 2017
Please click on this link for more information -


Dr. Ker will be speaking about "BRM Policy Options and Efficacy".

Alan Ker will also be...
Oct 27th, 2017
Qin Xu, PhD student working with Dr. Glenn Fox presented at the OMAFRA Climate Change Research
Knowledge Exchange Day, Highlighting OMAFRA-sponsored climate research on...
Oct 25th, 2017
On October 25th, 2017, Dr. Brady Deaton did a presentation about Land and Water:  Issues and Approaches in Canada, First Nations, and Abroad -

Sep 27th, 2017
The Future of Food

Jayson Lusk

Distinguished Professor and Department Head, Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University


Monday November 6 2017...
Sep 15th, 2017
Presented By:

John M. Slater, BSc, MS, PhD
Former Director of Economics and Statistics
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
United Kingdom


Date and...