
This post is an informative news items.

Economic Diplomacy in Africa: The Impact of Regional Integration versus Bilateral Diplomacy on Bilateral Trade by Kwaku Sylvanus Afesorgbor

Assistant Professor Kwaku Sylvanus Afesorgbor was awarded Second Place in the best paper competition at the 2018 African Economic Conference in Kigali, Rwanda on Dec. 5, 2018. Congratulations, Kwaku!

Stephen Clark, Professor at the Department of Business & Social Sciences, Dalhousie University, will be giving a presentation.

Stephen Clark, Professor at the Department of Business & Social Sciences, Dalhousie University, will give a presentation on “Estimation of Grain Production, Yield and Area for Cropping Districts in Saskatchewan” on Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 from 4:00-5:30 pm in room 107 in the JD MacLachlan Building.  All are welcome!

Great news for FARE: Prof. Alan Ker has been appointed OAC Research Chair in Agricultural Risk and Policy.

"Ker Named Research Chair in Agricultural Risk and Policy".  Congratulations, Alan!

Full announcement.

Tor Tolhurst will be presenting on "Model-Free Detection of a Speculative Asset Bubble: Evidence from the World Market for Superstar Wines”.

All are welcome to attend on Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 from 4:00 - 5:30 pm in JD MacLachlan Building, Room 107.

Dr. Brady Deaton is speaking at the Deputy Minister Speaker Series.

Farmland Values and Farmland Rental Markets:  Implications for Agricultural Policy is the discussion on November 8, 2018 at 1:30-2:30 pm.

Professor Alan Ker will be presenting "Subsidized Crop Insurance and the Adoption of Risk Reducing Innovations”

Professor Alan Ker will be presenting "Subsidized Crop Insurance and the Adoption of Risk Reducing Innovations” at the University of British Columbia in the College of Land and Food Systems on October 22. 

T.K. (Sandy) Warley, former Chair of the Department of FARE...

T.K. (Sandy) Warley, former Chair of the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Guelph, has passed away on Monday, Sept. 10, 2018. Sandy’s leadership and academic contributions have had a profound impact on our discipline.  He has been a good friend and invaluable mentor to many. He will be dearly missed. Please see the tribute by Karl Meilke here.

“What will the cannabis market look like in Ontario?” in Policy Options (Options Politiques) – The Public Forum for the Public Good.

Liam Kelly and Karl Meilke have tackled the question, “What will the cannabis market look like in Ontario?” in Policy Options (Options Politiques) – The Public Forum for the Public Good.

Ontario is heading into uncharted economic waters with cannabis legalization. The experience in Colorado may hold some clues as to what lies ahead.  [Read more]

Professor Alan Ker will be giving a seminar in the Economics department at Dalhousie University on Monday Sept 10.

Title: Borrowing Information for Like DGPs in Nonparametric Density Estimation with Applications.

Mike von Massow writes on NAFTA Negotiations...

Mike von Massow wrote a piece about the NAFTA negotiations and the sticking points between Canada and the US.  He highlights dispute settlement and supply management for milk.  The piece was originally published at the -

but was picked up at and other outlets.