Beer Certification Level 2 Online
Prud'homme Beer Certification® Level 2 - Beer Specialist
This e-learning course in beer education is designed and developed for participants who wish to take their knowledge of beer to another level. Note, the Level 1 certification is a prerequisite.
The focus is to provide more detailed insights into brewing ingredients and processes, draught systems while introducing Canadian brewing history and further investigating negative sensory components.
The self-directed course will take approximately 24 - 30 hours to complete to fully understand all of the materials. Typically, 45 minutes will be spent per module, self-tastings are roughly 20-30 minutes each and on average there are 4 tastings a week, plus the module test (approx 30 minutes), in total approximately 3 - 4 hours per week. Once complete, you will have access to the online exam. Upon receiving your login information, you will have 10 weeks to complete the course.
Tuesday, February 6th, 2024
10 weeks, including the examination
(The minimum class size is 4 students)
Module Topics
- Ingredients
- Brewing Processes
- Sensory Evaluation
- Beer History
- Beer Styles
- Draught Beer
- Category Insights & Trends
- Glassware
How to Gain the Qualification / Examination
You must complete six modular tests, 1 final exam and 3 assignments, with a passing overall grade of 70%.
Grading consists of six online tests - 30%; weekly tasting note submissions - 25%; beer and cheese assignment - 10%; beer and food observations - 10% and the final exam - 25%.
Successful participants will be issued a Prud’homme Beer Certification®.
The exam will consist of 60 questions to be completed within 60 minutes.
Learning Outcomes / Course Content Outlines
Please view the course outline for further details.
Level 1 is a prerequisite before enrolling in Level 2.
$700 + HST
*Includes: Learning platform, welcome package (to be mailed), instructor graded assignments, support and exam. Beer samples are not included.
A $35 discount will apply to U of G students/staff/faculty/alumni.
How to Apply & Make Payment
Register on-line at this link.
Once you complete the on-line application form, an email will be sent to you to arrange payment. Payment must be made by VISA or M/C.
When payment has been made you will receive information regarding login and instructions. Your learning package will be mailed just prior to course start.
HST Registration Number - R108161829 A University of Guelph receipt can be issued.
Registration Deadline
January 16, 2024
We encourage you to register early, as we must meet our minimum number to run the course. Send in your registration form now. We won't process your payment until we are 100% certain the course is running.
Age Restrictions
You must be 19 years of age by course start date. Students who choose not to taste alcohol for health, religious or other reasons will not find this a barrier to successfully completing the Level 1 certification.
There will be no refunds once login information/access has been provided.
Lisa Fodor
Logistics Coordinator
School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management
Macdonald Stewart Hall
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
(519) 824-4120, ext. 56116
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Cheers and hope to see you soon!