Dr. Genevieve Newton

I developed a keen interest in nutrition while in Chiropractic College, and decided to pursue an MSc in this field at the University of Guelph shortly after graduating. My thoughts were that I would use my newfound knowledge to integrate nutrition into my clinical practice. Instead, I ended up realizing that academia was a much better fit with my interests and aptitudes, and rather than returning to private practice, I continued on to do doctoral and post-doctoral training in nutrition. My MSc research was focused on the role of omega-3 fatty acids in adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and my PhD research was focused on the role of niacin in the process of spatial learning, specifically as it relates to modulation of the intracellular calcium signaling molecule cyclic ADP-ribose. After completion of my PhD degree, I worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Waterloo, where I investigated the intake of omega-3 fatty acids by elderly community living residents. Currently, my research interests are in the area of knowledge mobilization, specifically within the field of human health.
BSc (liberal) - Laurentian University
Doctor of Chiropractic - National University of Health Sciences
MSc - University of Guelph
PhD - University of Guelph
Newton, G., Miller-Young, J., Sanago, M*. (2019) Characterizing SoTL across Canada. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. In Press.
Newton, G., Racey, M*., Marquez, O., Preyde, M., McKenney, A*., Wosnick, D. (2019) A Systematic Review of Tools Measuring Nutrition Knowledge of Pre-adolescents and Adolescents. Journal of School Health, In Press.
Newton, G., Rajakaruna, R*., Kulak, V., Albabish, W*., Gilly, B., Ritchie, K. (2019) Two-Stage (Collaborative) Testing in Science Teaching: Does It Improve Grades on Short-Answer Questions and Retention of Material? Journal of College Science Teaching, 48:66-75.
Hymers, D*., Newton, G. (2019) Investigating Student Engagement in First-Year Biology Education: A Comparison of Major and Non-Major Perception of Engagement Across Different Active Learning Activities, The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10: 1-26.
Newton, G., Poung, K*., Laila, A*., Bye, Z*., et al. (2019) Perception of Biology Instructors on Using Student Evaluations to Inform Their Teaching. International Journal of Higher Education, 8:133-147.
Omer, K*., Gelkopf, M*., Newton, G. (2019) Effectiveness of Royal Jelly Supplementation in Glycemic Regulation: A Systematic Review. World Journal of Diabetes, 19:0-0.
Sypes, E*., Racey, M*., Albabish, W*., Newton, G. (2018) Characterization of Website use Associated with the WhyDairy? School-based Nutrition Education Intervention. The Open Nutrition Journal, 12:30-39.
Bourghaize, S*., Janjua, I*., Murnaghan, K., Mior, S., Srbely, J., Newton, G. (2018) Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Two Sides of the Same Coin? A Scoping Review to Determine the Lexicon of the Current Diagnostic Criteria, Musculoskeletal Care, 1-10.
Bourghaize, S*., Kumbhare, D., Srbely, J., Newton, G. (2017) A Comparison of the Clinical Manifestation and Pathophysiology of Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: Implications for Differential Diagnosis and Management. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 62:26-41.
Robertson, D.*, Kumbhare, D., Nolet, P., Srbely, J., Newton, G. (2017) Associations between Low Back Pain and Depression and Somatization in a Canadian Emerging Adult Population. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 61:96-105.
Racey, M.*, Bransfield, J.*, Capello, K.*, Field, D.*, Kulak, V., Machmueller, D.*, Preyde, M., Newton, G. (2017) Barriers and Facilitators to Intake of Dairy Products in Adolescent Males and Females with Different Levels of Habitual intake. Childhood Obesity and Nutrition, 4:1-12.
Racey*, M., O'Brien*, C., Douglas*, S., Marquez*, O., & Newton, G. (2016). Systematic Review of School-Based Interventions to Modify Dietary Behaviour: Does Intervention Intensity Impact Effectiveness? Journal of School Health, 86, 452-463.
Racey*, M., Machmueller*, D., Field*, D., Kulak, V., & Newton, G . (2016). Perceptions and Use of Sources of Health Knowledge by Young Adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2016-0002.
Kulak, V. & Newton, G. (2015). An Investigation of the Pedagogical Impact of using Case-Based Learning in a Undergraduate Biochemistry Course. International Journal of Higher Education, 4 (4), 13-24.
Marquez*, O., Racey*, M., Preyde, M., Hendrie, G., & Newton, G. (2015). A Systematic Review of Interventions to Increase Consumption of Dairy Products by Adolescents. ICAN: Infant, Child & Adolescent Nutrition, 7 (5), 242-254, doi: 10.1177/1941406415600752.
Acai*, A. & Newton, G. (2015). A Comparison of Factors related to Learning between College-Transfer and Direct-Entry from High School University Students. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 45 (2), 168-192.
Murrant, C., Bettger, W., Dyck, D., Kirkland, J., Newton, G ., N Richardson, K Ritchie, J Tishinsky (2015). A Unique, Large, First Year, Multi-Sectional Biological Concepts of Health Course Designed to Develop Skills and Enhance Deeper Learning. Canadian Journal of Higer Education, 42 (4), 42-62.
Teri*, S. & Newton, G. (2015). Use of a Virtual Clinical Trial Lab Curriculum Increases Student Understanding of the Scientific Method and Communication. Teaching and Learning Innovations Journal, 17, 1-12.
Newton, G., Bettger, W., Buccholz, A., Kulak, V., & Racey*, M. (2015). Evidence-Informed Strategies for Undergraduate Nutrition Education: A Review. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, doi: 10.1139/apnm-2014-0368.
Kawchuk, G., Newton, G ., Srbely, J., Passmore, S., Bussieres, A., J.W. Busse, P. Bruno (2014). Knowledge Transfer within the Canadian Chiropractic Community. Part 2: Narrowing the Evidence-Practice Gap. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractor Association, 58 (3), 206-214.
Landry*, A., Jacobs, S., & Newton, G. (2014). Effective Use of Peer Assessment in a Graduate Level Writing Assignment: A Case Study. International Journal of Higher Education, 4 (1), 38-51, doi: 10.5430/ijhe.v4n1p38.
McCunn*, P. & Newton, G. (2014). Student Perception of Topic Difficulty: Lecture Capture in Higher Education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31 (3), 252-262.
Fehr*, A., Minty*, L., Racey*, M., Bettger, B., & Newton, G . (2014). FoodUCation: A Graduate Level Community Engaged Learning Project. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, 7 (2), 1-9.
Newton, Genevieve S., Tucker, T., Dawson, J., & Currie, E. (2014). Use of Lecture Capture in Higher Education - Lessons from the Trenches. Tech Trends, 58 (2), 32-45.
Kulak*, V. & Newton, G. (2014). A Guide to using Case-Based Learning in Biochemistry Education. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 42 (6), 457-473, doi: 10.1002/bmb.20823.
Teri*, S., Acai*, A., Griffith*, D., Mahmoud, Q., Ma, D., G Newton (2014). Student Use and Pedagogical Impact of a Mobile Application in Biochemistry Education. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 42 (2), 121-135, doi: DOI 10.1002/bmb.20771.
* Denotes student contributions to manuscripts.
Name | Role |
Aucoin, M. | MSc Student |
Ethier, J. | MSc Student |
Schwende, B. | MSc Student |
Whibbs, H. | MSc Student |