Unless otherwise stipulated, these policies apply to all regular full-time staff. Collective Agreements between the certified bargaining agents and the University take precedence over the contents of these policies. Policies under "Support Staff" apply to those staff who are not covered by a collective agreement.
On November 27, 2017, under Bill 148: Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, the Ontario government passed legislation increasing Ontario’s minimum wage effective January 1, 2018. Further information may be found in the October 1, 2021 Minimum Wage Rate Increase [1] section.
Professional Staff
- 101 Recording of Absences (Attendance) [2]
- 102 Hours of Work [3]
- 103 Vacation Leave [4]
- 105 Membership Fees [5]
- 106 Termination [6]
- 107 Acting Pay [7]
- 108 Flexible Spending Credits [8]
- 109 Self-Funded Leave, see Policy 501- Leave of Absence [9]
- 110 On-Call [10]
- 111 Extra Workload [11]
Support Staff
- 201 Attendance [12]
- 203 Overtime [13]
- 204 Vacation Leave [14]
- 206 Family Responsibility Time [15]
- 207 Acting Pay [16]
- 208 Language Bonus [17]
- 209 Termination [18]
- 210 Redeployment, Bumping, Lay-off Policy and Procedure [19]
- 211 Shift Premiums [20]
All Employees
- 301 Employment Policy [21]
- 305 Employment Equity Policy [22]
- 306 Job Opportunities - Job Posting [23]
- 307 Temporary and Off-semester Student Employment [24]
- 309 Probationary Service [25]
- 311 Personal Data Change [26]
- 312 Disciplinary Procedure [27]
- 314 Minimum Wage [28]
- 316 Conditions of Employment [29]
- 317 Conflict of Interest [30]
- 401 Educational Opportunities Program [31]
- 402 Training [32]
- 403 Scholarship Plan [33]
- 500 Sick Leave [34]
- 501 Leave of Absence [35]
- 502 Paid Holidays [36]
- 503 Grievances [37]
- 504 Absence (Abandonment) [38]
- 507 Solicitations [39]
- 509 8-9-10 Month Continuing Limited Term Positions [40]
- 510 Four-day Work Week [41]
- 511 Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages, Illicit Drugs or Recreational Cannabis at Work [42]
- 512 Inclement Weather / Emergency Closing Procedures [43]
- 513 Time-off for Hazardous Weather / Emergency Closings [44]
- 515 Employee Family Assistance Program [45]
- 518 Athletic Fee Subsidy [46]
- 519 Hours of Work [47]
- 520 Flexible Work Arrangements (Non-Academic Staff) [48]
- 608 Pay at Death [49]
- 702 Confidentiality of Personal Information [50]
- 706 Flag Lowering Policy [51]
- 708 Theft and Fraudulent Activities [52]
- 709 Termination Checklist [53]
- 710 Service Recognition and other Performance Based Awards [54]
- 711 Gifts to Employees and Recognition of Significant Events [55]
- 712 Recognition of Bereavement or Illness [56]
- 714 Disconnecting from Work Policy [57]
- 715 Electronic Monitoring Policy [58]