Revised: November 1999
If a Department Head makes a written request to a professional employee to perform the duties of a position of greater responsibility and pay for more than 22 consecutive calendar days, the employee will receive an honorarium of 5% of their basic rate of pay for the period of time they fill the duties of the higher position. If the employee's salary plus 5% is less than the minimum pay for the new position, the honorarium may range between 5% and the minimum pay for the acting position. The Department should prorate the honorarium to the portion of responsibilities assumed. The Acting Pay honorarium does not affect base pay.
To activate the bonus pay in this policy, Departments must notify Human Resources to identify the appointee, the rate of pay for the appointment, and, if possible, the length of the appointment. The Department should attach a copy of the appointee's letter of instruction to perform higher level duties on an acting basis. Before the acting appointment ends, the Department should notify Human Resources to end the acting appointment.
Department Heads should give preference in acting pay appointments to employees in the regular incumbent's department.
The Associate Vice-President (Human Resources) must approve all acting pay appointments in advance. The approval for acting pay appointments cannot be retroactive.