Revised: December 2003
This disciplinary procedure addresses situations where an employee does not follow established policy or procedure, or violates established rules or regulations, or otherwise demonstrates inappropriate workplace behaviour. The goal of this procedure is to encourage and support acceptable workplace behaviour.
In dealing with circumstances that warrant a disciplinary response, the following guidelines are recommended:
a) address issues in a timely manner; it is critical to minimize the time between incident and disciplinary response.
b) provide the employee with a clear outline of the inappropriate behaviour and/or rule infraction.
c) provide the employee with opportunity to explain behaviour and ensure that the employee has a clear understanding of the expected future behaviour.
d) ensure that all relevant information has been considered before a decision is made with respect to an appropriate disciplinary response.
e) consider the employee’s previous record.
f) consult your department head and/or Staff Relations before deciding on the appropriate disciplinary response.
g) administer discipline in private and in a manner that is respectful of the employee.
Disciplinary Procedure
The recommended disciplinary procedure is progressive, in that as inappropriate behaviour continues, the disciplinary response becomes more serious. At each step, it is very important that the employee clearly understand the expected behaviour and the consequences should the unacceptable behaviour continue.
The disciplinary procedure includes the following formal steps:
a) Verbal warning
For first time minor offenses, provide the employee with a verbal warning and note this in the employee file held in the department. If the situation is not corrected, proceed to the written warning step.
b) Written warning
Give the employee a written warning and send a copy to Human Resources for filing. A written warning should be in letter format and outline the concern, the behaviour expectation, and the consequences should there not be a correction and/or improvement in behaviour. In certain circumstances, it is acceptable to give more than one written warning before proceeding to the next step.
c) Suspension
After a flagrant or continued violation of rules, the Supervisor may suspend an employee. Depending on the severity of the situation, a suspension of up to ten days may be warranted. In situations where a suspension is considered, it is imperative to consult Staff Relations prior to making a decision.
d) Termination
In all cases of termination of an employees, consult with the Director, Staff Relations, or designate, prior to taking this final action.