Revised: September 2023
The University of Guelph will lower its flags to half-mast as a gesture of respect and condolence for the funeral day of a deceased employee, student, past president or chancellor, or past chair of the board of governors. If this day falls on a weekend, the flags will be lowered on the Monday following. In the case of a deceased employee or student at Guelph-Humber or the regional campus of Ridgetown the flags will be lowered at the specific campus where the employee or student was affiliated as well as the Guelph campus. The flags at the Guelph and regional campus will also be lowered in conjunction with a flag lowering by the provincial or federal government. The University reserves the right to lower the flag in other exceptional circumstances.
Upon learning of the death of an employee, a department should immediately notify Human Resources at extension 56594 or 56596. Human Resources will take the appropriate action regarding communication and arrange for the lowering of the flags.
In the case of a student death, a department should immediately notify the Office of Student Affairs at Ext. 53868. The Office of Student Affairs will take the appropriate action regarding communication and arrange for the lowering of the flags.
Physical Resources is responsible for lowering all flags on the Guelph campus. Physical Resources will only accept a request to lower the flag from the flag and lighting review committee or one of the following individuals or their designate: the AVP and CHRO Human Resources (employee), the Associate V.P. Student Affairs (student), or the Director of Communications and Public Affairs (government).
Whenever possible, the University homepage will note the reason for a flag being lowered prior to the day it is lowered.