Guelph campus
For emergency, dial ext. 2000, or 519-840-5000
Fire Alarm
- Shut off open flames and close sashes on fume hoods and biosafety cabinets.
- Move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe stairwell/exit. DO NOT use the elevator. If you are the last to leave the area, close the door behind you.
- Once outside, move away from the building.
- Pass on relevant information to the fire wardens.
- Reentry into the building may proceed when the alarm bells stop ringing unless otherwise directed by emergency response personnel.
If you require assisted evacuation, move to the landing of the nearest safe stairwell and have someone notify the emergency responders of your location. Do not use the elevators.
- Activate nearest alarm pull station.
- Assess the fire.
- Is the fire small and controllable? If yes:
- Retrieve extinguisher
- Position yourself between the fire and the exit
- Pull the pin
- Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire
- Squeeze the trigger
- Sweep. Using a sweeping motion extinguish the fire
- If extinguisher is unsuccessful, evacuate.
- Is the fire small and controllable? If no:
- Evacuate immediately
- Is the fire small and controllable? If yes:
- Pass on relevant information to fire wardens.
Medical Emergency
- Retrieve trained first aider or provide First Aid.
- If urgent care is required, dial ext. 2000 or 519-840-5000 and request medical assistance.
- If hazardous material is involved, ensure appropriate MSDS accompanies casualty to the hospital.
- Report all injuries to your supervisor immediately. If it is a critical injury (serious/life threatening), notify EHS immediately (ext. 53282) and preserve the accident scene.
Do not attempt to transport someone to the hospital. Dial ext. 2000 or 519-840-5000 to coordinate an ambulance.
Contact with Hazardous Materials
- Is it skin contact? If yes:
- Remove contaminated clothing/jewellery.
- Proceed to nearest sink or emergency shower.
- Rinse for at least 15 minutes.
- Is it eye contact? If yes:
- Remove contaminated clothing/jewellery.
- Proceed to eye wash station.
- Rinse for at least 15 minutes, holding your eyelids open and rolling your eyeballs.
- If wearing contact lenses remove as quickly as possible.
Active Threats/Violent Incidents
- Lock yourself in the closest room.
- Seek shelter out of sight and away from windows and doors.
- For the Guelph Campus dial ext. 2000 or 519-840-5000 and provide all relevant information to dispatch.
- If safe to do so evacuate and get away from building.
Based on CBS Laboratory Emergency Response Procedures