If you have have sustained a workplace injury or illness, please do the following:
1. Report the injury or illness to your supervisor and complete an Illness or Injury Incident Report [1] and submit to Occupational Health and Wellness (OHW) within 24 hours by fax to 519-780-1796, or by email to OHW [2]
2. If needed, seek appropriate medical care. Be sure to take a copy of the Injury or Illness Package [3] with you. Complete the Form 6, Worker's Report of Injury/Disease [4] and have your medical provider complete either the Form 8, Heathcare Professional's Report, or the Functional Abilities Form. Return both documents to OHW by fax to 519-780-1796, or upload to the OHW Secure Drive [5]
3. In accordance with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA), your supervisor will offer you modified or accommodated work.
4. Remain in contact with your supervisor for the duration of your claim
Further detailed information on the responsibilities for employees and supervisors can be found here [6].
If your employee has reported a workplace injury or illness, please do the following:
1. Complete an Illness or Injury Incident Report [1] and submit to Occupational Health and Wellness (OHW) within 24 hours by fax to 519-780-1796, or by email to OHW [2], and to the bargaining unit, if applicable.
2. If medical care is needed, be sure to send a copy of the Injury or Illness Package [7] with the employee.
3. Be prepared to offer your employee suitable modified or accommodated work. If you require assistance, please connect with OHW, either by phone at 519-824-4120 ext. 52647, or by email to OHW [2].
4. Remain in contact with your employee for the duration of the claim.
Further detailed information on the responsibilities for employees and supervisors can be found here [6].