Facts and Figures

Facts and Figures 2008


Undergraduate Degree Enrolment – Guelph Campus - Fall 2008

Distribution of Full-time Enrolment in Undergraduate Degree Programs, University of Guelph (Excl. Guelph-Humber) - Fall 2008

Undergraduate Degree Programs

B.A. Bachelor of Arts
B.L.A. Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science
B.Sc.(Env.) Bachelor of Science, Environmental Sciences
B.Comm. Bachelor of Commerce
B.Sc.(Tech.) Bachelor of Science, Technology
B.Comp. Bachelor of Computing
B.Sc.(Agr.) Bachelor of Science, Agriculture
B.Eng. Bachelor of Engineering
B.A.S. Bachelor of Arts and Science
B.A.Sc. Bachelor of Applied Science
D.V.M. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
B.B.R.M. Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management

Graduate Enrolment – Guelph Campus - Fall 2008

Distribution of Full-time Enrolment in Graduate Programs, University of Guelph - Fall 2008

Ph.D; Doctor of Philosophy
D.V.Sc. Doctor of Veterinary Science
M.Sc. Master of Science
M.Sc.(Pl.) Master of Science in Planning
M.A. Master of Arts
M.B.A. Master of Business Administration
M.L.A. Master of Landscape Architecture
M.F.A. Master of Fine Art
Other includes:
M.Sc.(Aqua) Master of Science in Aquaculture
M.A.N. Master of Applied Nutrition
M.A.Sc. Master of Applied Science
M.Eng. Master of Engineering
G.Dip. Graduate Diploma
NOND Non-Degree Students

Alternative Learning Delivery Modes

Award-winning E-Learning programs are just one facet of our overall recognized excellence in alternative learning delivery modes. Guelph has aggressively pursued distance education and web-based technology as part of an overall dedication to supporting lifelong learning.

Learning technologies link U of G with students across Canada and around the world, including:
·   over 249 degree-credit course offerings over three semesters.
·   approximately 20,250 course enrolments in distance education degree studies in 2007/08.
·   nearly 2,500 registrations in courses offered through Open Learning programs

Education at a distance

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Guelph has a rich and dynamic suite of experiential learning programs, including semesters abroad, co-op placements, and undergraduate research assistantships.  The new programs offered at University of Guelph-Humber have further enhanced our strength in this area.


Co-operative Education Work Placements