How a Dollar Can Change The World -The Inaugural Derry Lecture.

Date and Time


War Memorial Hall


Time: 6 pm - 7:30 pm (Lecture)
Location: War Memorial Hall 


The Derry Lecture brings to campus an outstanding speaker who embodies the ideas and values of the University of Guelph, in particular, interdisciplinary understanding, internationalism, and service to society. These are the attitudes and qualities that will allow us to address the complex issues confronting our world. They are also the attitudes and qualities that students cultivate in the First-Year Seminar Program.

The inaugural speaker will be Dr. Mick Jackson, founder of Wildhearts (Scotland), a charity committed to launching companies that will serve humanity. A serial entrepreneur with a passion for making a difference across the world, Dr. Jackson currently manages microfinancing operations that are focused on improving the lives of women in 46 countries globally. Mick Jackson firmly believes that we can and we should make a difference globally. It is our responsibility. Mick Jackson started Micro-Tyco: a program to improve awareness and contribution to social issues that is currently part of the first year commerce program at Guelph.

This will be an opportunity to meet Mick and to learn first hand how he came to be involved in social justice issues.

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