Competition and Conference Funding FAQ | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Competition and Conference Funding FAQ

Who is eligible to apply for funding?

At this time, only students from one of the 8 BComm majors in the Gordon S. Lang School of Business & Economics may apply: 

  • Accounting

  • Food & Agricultural Business

  • Hospitality & Tourism Management

  • Management

  • Management Economics and Finance

  • Marketing Management

  • Government, Economics and Management

  • Real Estate and Sport & Event Management


Is funding available for students in any academic year?

Yes, as long as you are a current Lang BComm student. Funding cannot be provided for events that will happen after you have graduated, even if you apply while still a current student. 


When is the deadline to submit applications?

Applications are due by the first day of the month. The Committee meets the first week of each month to review applications submitted in the previous month. For example, applications received throughout October, up to November 1st, will be reviewed the first week of November. Applications received after November 2nd will be reviewed in December.

Keep these deadlines in mind and consider that you may not receive an update with the amount of funding you have been granted before the registration deadline of the conference or competition. If possible, plan accordingly and do your best to submit your application early enough so that you can register after receiving your confirmed funding amount. 


What items are eligible for funding?

  • In most cases, funding will only be provided to cover registration/delegate fees (this can include accommodation costs and meals that are included with the fee).
  • All other expenses will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with travel and accommodation costs being of secondary priority. Please see the list below of what items will not be covered by funding. 


What items are generally ineligible for funding?

  • All meals (unless included in registration fee)
  • Transportation by ride share (Uber, Lyft etc.) taxi or subway

  • Rental car or parking passes

  • Printing costs for competition or conference materials (e.g. business plans)


Will I receive funding prior to the competition/conference?

No. We do this for two reasons: 

  1. Receipts are required to prove that granted funds are spent on approved expenses.

  2. Paying personally up front ensures commitment to the event. 


Who do I contact with questions?

Please email with any questions, ideally prior to the submission of your application or claim.