ASG'S Crack the Case 2020: Advancing with Data | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

ASG'S Crack the Case 2020: Advancing with Data

Date and Time



Macdonald Hall


Attention Lang Students!

The Accounting Society of Guelph is incredibly excited to bring you our annual Crack the Case case competition! This is a great way to apply your knowledge and skills to a practical, accounting-focused case and present in front of a panel of industry professionals. And yes, the winners will be receiving a CASH PRIZE! This year, there will be two different cases. The junior case will be focused on data analytics, and the senior case will be accounting focused. Not only that, but we will be expanding and encouraging ALL majors to compete, the more diverse your team is, the more money you have the opportunity to win from your prizes!

Friday, January 31st, 5-8pm  MAC 149
You will have to opportunity to listen to our guest speaker on how to succeed in your presentations, as well as have an overview of the case.

Saturday, February 1st, 9am-8pm in MAC Hall
You will be presenting your ideas and solutions to a panel of judges!
Following the event there will be a networking portion from 6PM-8PM with all professionals attending.

PLEASE NOTE: If you don't have a team we will add you into one.

ATTIRE: Business Formal
Contact us at regarding any questions/concerns.

Follow this link for instructions and to register! ->>>>>
Volunteers! —>

About the Business Career Development Centre

The Business Career Development Centre offers tailored career assistance to business students at the University of Guelph. It provides access to workshops, events and services including mentoring and networking opportunities, one-on-one career coaching, and assistance building your professional online presence. For more information, visit the Business Career Development Centre web page.

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