News related to Featured researcher

Taste before you travel: Professor WooMi Jo investigates connection between ethnic cuisine and travel intentions
Tourists contemplate a range of factors when deciding where to travel, and one of the most important considerations is often how they perceive a destination, also known as destination image. Even without visiting a certain city or country, people base their opinions on what they see or hear and, according to School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management professor WooMi Jo, what they taste.

It pays to be green: Professor Avis Devine researches profitability of environmentally-friendly office properties
Recent research by Avis Devine has rental property owners seeing green, for two reasons. Her study, “Green Certification and Building Performance: Implications for Tangibles and Intangibles " co-authored by Nils Kok from Maastricht University in The Netherlands, shows that environmentally-friendly office properties are not only more sustainable, but can also demand higher rents and lower operating costs.

Trading places: Professor Nikola Gradojevic investigates the impact of private information on foreign exchange trading
All traders in the foreign exchange market have access to public information such as media reports and central bank communications to help drive their decisions. While there is an ever-present risk associated with transactions of any size, using public information alone is often not enough to place traders on the podium of profit, which means the use private information is often involved.

“It’s a great time to be a movie marketing researcher”: Q&A with marketing professor Tirtha Dhar
Tirtha Dhar researches food and movie marketing, but if you ask him what his job entails, he might tell you he solves puzzles for a living. Inspired by the rapidly changing marketing landscape that took place while he was a PhD student in the 1990s, he decided to focus his dissertation on the implications of competitions in marketing channels on social welfare. His quantitative research has since progressed to include a broad range of social issues and problems as they pertain to marketing in an effort to understand the complex decision-making processes of managers and consumers.

What’s not to love? Professor Elliott Currie researches Ontario’s budding relationship with hazelnuts
Currie is currently part of a research collaboration to investigate the viability of hazelnuts as a local crop in Ontario.

Resisting the urge to buy: Sunghwan Yi researches what drives compulsive and impulsive buyers
The holiday season is known for record-breaking retail sales as shoppers flock to stores to pick out perfect gifts for loved ones. With the promise of good deals on popular items endlessly lining the halls of shopping centres, many consumers are enticed to expand their budgets in order to take advantage of once-a-year bargains, but when the holiday season ends, how many of those goods are being used by their new owners?

Fostering forgiveness: Prof. Agnes Zdaniuk researches impact of leadership on reactions to mistreatment in the workplace
Zdaniuk's most recent research examines how idealized influence leadership can encourage reactions of forgiveness instead of revenge.

Socialization in the workplace: Video profile with Prof. Jamie Gruman
Starting a new job can be stressful even for the most prepared and qualified individual, so ensuring that employees are on-boarded properly is important to helping them succeed in the workplace. In this video. associate professor and co-founder of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association Jamie Gruman introduces us to two people starting new jobs and explores the benefits of effective socialization in the workplace. Watch the video.

Professor Chris Choi: Tourist behaviour greatest driving force behind sustainable tourism
Every year, billions of people from around the globe engage in tourism. Whether they travel domestically or internationally, the tourism industry has a large economic impact on places ranging from small rural communities to large urban centres.
Since the ‘70s, more attention has been paid to the environmental and social impacts of tourism and how it can become a more sustainable industry. It’s an issue that, according to School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management professor Chris Choi, has often been at odds with economic gain.