Blog | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics


January 18: Know the Score – Glorification of Gambling Contributes to Addiction

Professor Karen Finlay, head of CME’s Problem Gambling Lab, made headlines on Monday stating that “ending the glorification of gambling would go a long way in the fight against gambling addiction.” Her comments came the same day, Know the Score 2, a program put on by the Responsible Gambling Council, which is aimed at post-secondary students aged 18-24 years old, was on campus handing out surveys as part of an initiative to develop awareness about the correlation between gambling and addiction.

January 17: IMPACT! Student Sustainability Projects Receive Funding Boost

Projects intended to lead social and environmental change have received a funding boost through IMPACT! The Co-operators Youth Program for Sustainability Leadership. Two U of G students, Émanuèle Lapierre-Fortin and Sara Wicks, were among the eight recipients of the funding.

January 12: Argentine Wine Industry Learns from HTM Researcher

Professor Joe Barth, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, presented a lecture in Buenos Aires on December 3rd, 2010, based on a paper, "Goodbye Charming Cabernet, Hello Spirited Shiraz: Label Design and Personality Preferences of the Millennials" by Statia Elliott and J.E.(Joe)Barth.

The lecture was part of a certificate program in Wine Marketing offered by the Universidad de San Andrés.


December 21: New Book Explores Relationship between Economic Growth, Environment

Department of Economics Professor Ross McKitrick's new book explores the complex relationship between economic growth and the environment and how environmental targets cannot be met without considering the economics. Published this month, McKitrick's book Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy, provides tools for developing policy analysis skills applied to current challenges and debates.  Read full news release

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