Blog | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics


January 25: U of G Enhancing Ties, Facilitating Solutions in East Africa

Article featured in The University of Guelph News.

University of Guelph leaders will travel to Tanzania this month to host a workshop on improving social, economic and environmental sustainability in East Africa.

There they hope to strengthen U of G’s long-standing connections and help engage a wide range of stakeholders in solving regional problems.

January 23: How to be out of the office but still at work

Article featured in The Globe and Mail.

Dr. Sara Mann, Associate Professor of Strategic Human Resource Management & Organizational Behaviour comments on the shifting standard for a five-day-a-week office arrangement.

It was a snowy, bitter morning in Toronto, but lawyer Allan Rakowsky was getting ready to head out for a round of golf after finishing a consultation with a Bay Street client. The fact that he was in Florida was business as usual for him and his client back in Canada.

January 22: Flex Your Entrepreneurial Muscles

The 2013 Nicol Entrepreneurial Competition challenges entrepreneurial-minded students to develop business plans for innovative products and services.

Who Qualifies: Teams can consist of 1-3 students, the majority of whom must be full-time undergraduates from any faculty or field at the University of Guelph.

January 16: HTM Professor Retires After Twenty-Seven Years

CME would like to congratulate Iain Murray on his recent retirement after twenty-seven years of dedicated service to the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Guelph.

Professor Murray has a B. Comm. Hotel and Food Administration and a M.Sc. Consumer Studies from the University of Guelph and a PhD from Kansas State University. He joined the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management faculty in 1985 and has been associated with the School since 1971.

January 11: Brace Yourself for Higher Food Prices

Article by Sylvain Charlebois featured in the Montreal Gazette

GUELPH, Ont. — Last year, Canadian consumers experienced only modest increases in food prices. In fact, not only did food prices in general barely go up, but prices for fruit and vegetables decreased by more than 8 per cent. Unfortunately, this year will be a different story. Several forecasts predict food prices will go up anywhere from 1.5 per cent to 3.5 per cent, probably exceeding our national inflation rate.

January 9: Cannon Proposal Goes Off with a Bang

 Article featured in AtGuelph.

Erick Sharp proposed to his girlfriend, Stefanie Setacci, at the cannon Dec. 16. Photo by Emily Setacci
Cupid’s weapon of choice is a bow and arrow, but Erick Sharp wanted something more explosive to propose to Stefanie Setacci, his girlfriend of five years. So he did what many love-struck Gryphons have done before: he painted a proposal on the campus cannon in hopes of winning her hand.

January 8: Student Receives Stephen Phillips Passion for Hospitality Bursary Award

CME is proud to announce that Hotel and Food Administration co-op student, Michelle Chan, has been selected as the recipient of the 2012 Stephen Phillips Passion for Hospitality Bursary Award. The award is presented on behalf of the Hotel Association of Canada Board of Directors and the Bursary Selection Committee to a hospitality student who best represents the qualities that Stephen Phillips brought to the industry. Michelle is commended for her dedication to her chosen career as well as for demonstrating leadership and passion for helping those around her.

January 7: Guelph Professor a Food-Safety Force

Article featured in the Guelph Mercury.

Prof. Sylvain Charlebois rushes into his office, buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. It's clear he's excited to talk about the subject that interests him most: food safety. By now he is used to dealing with the media and an old pro at interviews. But this time he's caught off guard: the subject of the interview is not his research, but himself.

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