Blog | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics


January 3: U of G Economics Prof Wins Grant to Dig Up Data

A University of Guelph economics professor belongs to a winning team in a prestigious humanities and social sciences research competition.

Kris Inwood’s project in mining information from one of the largest population databases in the world was named one of the victors of the 2012 Digging Into Data Challenge today. Sponsored by Canada, the United States, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, the competition promotes innovative research using digital resources to learn about people and cultures and to develop multidisciplinary partnerships.

December 10: Beware the Impulse Buy, CME Professor in local news

Sunghwan Yi, a University of Guelph marketing and consumer studies associate professor is profiled in the Guelph Mercury discussing his research about shopping habits and motivations. He recently received a $105,000 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, a federal government body, to study the differences between impulsive and compulsive shoppers, and what motivates excessive shoppers.

December 8: CME Proud to Support the 2011 Notable Awards

Organized by CME alumni Julian Brass, 2006 graduate of hotel and food administration, the inaugural Notable Awards were held in Toronto and celebrated Canada's top young professionals. CME was proud to sponsor the Architecture and Real Estate Award. The recipient of this category sees beyond the traditional and knows that the industries of architecture and real estate have a greater purpose in the way that they impact their city. 

Julian Brass founder of

December 8: CME Students Raise Record Funds for United Way - President Summerlee Wears CME-CMESA Wig

President Summerlee wears CME-CMESA wig in support of United Way.

This year's United Way campaign saw record numbers of U of G students contribute by raising $8,600 with the College of Management and Economics Student Association leading the student campaign with $2,200 raised.

As part of the Wig-A-Day competition organized by United Way student volunteers, the CME-CMESA wig raised the most funds this year. In support of this competition, President Summerlee wore this beautiful blue wig.

Nov 22: Gambling Lab Research Benefits Community

For the past five years, Prof. Karen Finlay from the Marketing and Consumer Studies Department has been collaborating with Michelle Nogueira, Addiction Councillor at Homewood Community Addiction Services (CADS) to discover what it is about the gambling environment that causes 4.8% of adults who gamble to become addicted.

Prof Karen Finlay

November 2: CME Associate Dean in the News

An opinion piece by Prof. Sylvain Charlebois, associate dean of research and graduate studies in the College of Management and Economics, is featured today in the Globe and Mail.

The column discusses the government’s recent and controversial decision to end the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly on western wheat and barley, and Canadian supply management. Read the full article.

June 6: Restaurants That Waste Not Want Not

Up to 35 per cent of bread served in restaurants is thrown out -Think back to the last time you went out to eat. Did you clean your plate or leave something behind? Chances are you didn’t finish the bread that was served as part of your meal.

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