CME Resume Review & Workshop | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

CME Resume Review & Workshop

Date and Time


Business Career Centre


CME Resume Review & Workshop Get ready for the Feb. 5th Job Fair @ RIM Park! The resume workshop will run from 12:00 - 1:00pm showcasing examples of different resumes for various business industries. **You can also drop by to have your resume reviewed and tailored for business jobs by Co-op & Career Services Peer Helpers between 11:00am- 2:00pm. Location: Business Career Centre (uoG-BIZ Rm.140 - corner of College Ave and Smith Lane, formerly VMI building) To register: visit (Once on our homepage, click on STUDENTS. Log in using your Central Login. On the red bar at the top of the page, click Career, and then click into the Events/Workshops black tab. Click on the event in the calendar to register to attend.)

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