TD Direct Investing Seminar - University of Guelph Investment Club | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

TD Direct Investing Seminar - University of Guelph Investment Club

Date and Time


MCKN 235



Have you ever wondered how people decide to invest their money?
Are you interested in learning how to use an online investment platform?
This engaging and interactive session will be taught by a TD professional and will cover the concepts of investing, what they mean and how to apply them. You will be able to see what help is available in making the decision to invest.

If you are interested in this opportunity, join us in this University of Guelph Investment Group (UGIG) hosted event on February 5th, 2015 from 5:30-7:00pm in MCKN 235. A nominal fee of $2 is required to attend and will be collected at the door.

Disclaimer: By being a member of this club in any capacity you will be subject to many ideas and opinions on investing which if acted upon, is done so knowing that the responsibility of subsequent results falls on the individual whom has acted. The school, faculty, executive team and club members are not responsible in any way for investing activities individuals partake in outside of club operations.
This seminar will not provide advice on selecting individual stocks or what criteria are “the best to follow”. However, we can present the concepts to investing and what they mean how to apply them. The overall decision to invest and what to invest in is up to the investor. Methods to investing differ between investors, and each investor has their own preference to investing which is what creates a marketplace.

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Space is limited. Register for this event (you will be prompted to access your Recruit Guelph account using your central login ID).

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