Career Workshop: Launch Your Career: Employ Your Talents When you Have a Disability | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Career Workshop: Launch Your Career: Employ Your Talents When you Have a Disability

Date and Time


University Centre, Room 442


Unsure of when/how you should disclose a disability to an employer? 
Concerned about finding a career opportunity?
Little to no experience writing a resume and need help?
Unfamiliar with what support is available?

If you have answered "YES" to any of these questions, the please join us for a panel discussion on how to: Launch Your Career: Employ Your Talents When You Have a Disability

Panelists from Lime Connect, BMO Financial Group and Co-op and Career Services at the University of Guelph will answer the above questions and more!

This event is for U of G Students with disabilities. Please note that you do not have to be registered with SAS to attend. 

Join us for engaging conversations and light refreshments on: 

Students will be encouraged to ask our panelists any questions related to disclosure and employment during the session. If you are not comfortable speaking in front of small groups feel free to submit your questions for the panel in advance. 

Any questions you wish to have addressed at the session will remain confidential and can be forwarded to Sarah Goody in Co-op Career Services (

Space is limited. Register for this event on the RecruitGuelph website (you will be prompted to access your Recruit Guelph account using your central login ID).

About the Business Career Development Centre

The Business Career Development Centre offers tailored career assistance to business students at the University of Guelph. It provides access to workshops, events and services including mentoring and networking opportunities, one-on-one career coaching, and assistance building your professional online presence. For more information, visit the Business Career Development Centre web page.

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