Ann Pegoraro

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Ann Pegoraro is the Lang Chair in Sport Management and currently holds an appointment as a Full Professor in the Department of Management. Dr. Pegoraro is also the Director of the International Institute for Sport Business and Leadership at the University of Guelph and is also the co-Director of the National Network for Research on Gender Equity in Canadian Sport. She is an experienced leader with a demonstrated history of working with the sport industry. Ann is a strong professional skilled in Applied Research, Partnership Development, Digital Media, Gender Equity, Nonprofit Organizations, and Sport Consumer Behavior. Dr. Pegoraro's research focuses mainly on sport consumers, marketing and communication, including how different forms of media are used to establish connections with consumers of sport at all levels from amateur to professional. Dr. Pegoraro’s research has been published in journals such as Sex Roles, Communication and Sport, Business Strategy and the Environment, Journal of Sport Management, and Online Information Review. Her recent work in digital media and innovation is focused on analytics, gender and diversity.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), The University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Master of Business Administration, Laurentian University
Post-Graduate Diploma, Public Administration, Laurentian University
Hons Bachelor of Arts, Geography/Economics, Laurentian University
gender equity
digital sport
sport consumer behaviour
sport marketing
Recent Publications
Newton, A.J., Frederick, E., Branch, K*., and Pegoraro, A. (in press) Britney Griner, Intersectionality, and "Woke Politics": A critical examination of BG's return to the United States Sociology of Sport Journal
Kulkarni, S.*, McGannon, K.R., & Pegoraro, A. (in press). Expanding understanding of elite athlete parenthood in socio-cultural context: A meta-synthesis of qualitative media research findings on motherhood and sport. Sport in Society
Williams, L.A., Schweinbenz, A. and Pegoraro, A. (in press) The Switch Up: BlackCrit, The Heritage, and the Wave of Athletic Racial Capitalism. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies.
Rich, K., Nelson, G.,* Borgen-Flood, T.*, Pegoraro, A. (in press) Regional policy and organizational fields in multi-level sport governance. European Sport Management Quarterly
Taks, M., Bakhsh, J.*, Kennedy, H. & Pegoraro, A. (in press) Bounded impacts: measuring residents’ social (media) event impacts from a major sport event Event Management.
McGannon, K.R., Kulkarni, S*., Hladun, W*., Bundon, A., & Pegoraro, A. (in press). Exposing the motherhood penalty in sport: A feminist narrative inquiry of media stories of Canadian athlete mothers’ journeys to the Tokyo Games. Communication & Sport.
Wanless, E., Kennedy, H., Davies, M., Naraine, M., and Pegoraro, A. (in press) Look What We Have Here: Exploring Brand-Related Sport Consumer Twitter Conversation Topics Sport Marketing Quarterly
Williams, A., Brison, N. & Pegoraro, A., (2023) Guest editorial: Diversity, equity and inclusivity in sport marketing research. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship.
Frederick, E., & Pegoraro, A. (2023). Examining the Intersection of Sport, Social Media, and Crisis Communication. International Journal of Sport Communication. Advance online publication.
Armstrong, C., Blaszka, M., Davies, M. and Pegoraro A. (2023) Release the Kraken: An analysis of a virtual brand launch during a global pandemic International Journal of Sport Communication
Antunovic, D., Pegoraro, A., Mumcu, C., Soltis, K.*, Lough, N., Lebel, K., LaVoi, N., (2023). "To build a more just society": WNBA team's uses of social media for advocacy. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal
Frederick, E., Schmidt, S., and Pegoraro, A. (2023) The beginning of a reckoning: An application of situational crisis communication theory and image repair to the NWSL. Communication and Sport
Schmidt, S., Frederick, E., Kennedy, H. & Pegoraro, A. (in press) An Examination of MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, and WNBA team statements in response to George Floyd’s death via Critical Race Theory Journal of Sport Media
Frederick, E., Swim, N.*, Newton, A.C.I., & Pegoraro, A. (2022) Racist state and the state of race: An analysis of Instagram commentary pertaining to LeBron James Sociology of Sport Journal.
Lu, J., Rodenburg, K., Foti, L., and Pegoraro, A. (2022) Are firms with better sustainability performance more resilient Business Strategy and the Environment
Rich, K., Moore, E*., Pegoraro, A., and Boggs, J. (in press) Mapping Women’s Community Sport Participation to Inform Sport Development Initiatives: A Case Study of Row Ontario Frontiers
Sveinson, K., Taylor, E., Keaton, A.C.I., Burton, L., Pegoraro, A., & Toffoletti, K. (ahead of print). Addressing gender inequity in sport through women’s invisible labor. Journal of Sport Management.
Lebel, K., Mumcu, C., Pegoraro, A., LaVoi, N.M., Lough, N. and Antunovic, D. (2021) Re-Thinking Women's Sport Research: Looking in the Mirror and Reflecting Forward Frontiers
Rodenburg, K., Hayes, L., Foti, L. and Pegoraro, A. (2021) Responsible Leadership in Sport: What an Ethical Dilemma Societies 11(3) 85,
Darvin, L., Mumcu, C., and Pegoraro, A. (2021) When virtual spaces meet the limitations of traditional sport: gender stereotyping in NBA2K Computers in Human Behavior Vol. 122
Pegoraro, A., Kennedy, H. Agha, N., Brown, N.*, and Berri, D. (2021) An analysis of broadcasting media using social media engagement in the WNBA Frontiers
Frederick, E., Pegoraro, A., and Sanderson, J. (2021) Sport in the Age of Trump: An Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tweets International Journal of Sport Communication
Szto, C., Pegoraro, A. Morris, E., Desrochers, M., Emard, K., Galas, K. Gamble, A., Knox, L. and Richards, K. (2021). #ForTheGame: Social change and the struggle to professionalize women’s ice hockey Sociology of Sport Journal.
Frederick, E., Pegoraro, A. and Schmidt, S. (2020) I’m not going to the f***ing White House:” Twitter reacts to Donald Trump and Megan Rapinoe. Communication and Sport
Romney, M., Johnson, R., Hull, K., and Pegoraro, A. (2020) Shared Space: How North American Olympic Broadcasters Framed Gender on Instagram Communication and Sport
Select Presentations
Brown, L.E.C,; Williams, A. L.; Branch, K.*; Schweinbenz, A. N.; Pegoraro, A. (2023). Holdin’ it Down: Black Feminism and Athlete Activism Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History, Washington D.C.
Kennedy, H., MacDonald, S*., Wigfield, D., & Pegoraro, A. (2023). Welcome to Wrexham AFC: Introducing the new strategy content maximization for club ownership in the digital age. 38th annual conference for the North American Society for Sport Management, Montreal, Canada.
Rich, K. Gemar , A., Borgen-Flood, T.* Nelson, G.* Jeff Boggs, J., & Pegoraro, A. (2023). Geography, demography, and sport participation in Ontario, Canada. 38th annual conference for the North American Society for Sport Management, Montreal, Canada.
McGannon, K.R., Kulkarni, S., Hladun, W., Bundon, A., & Pegoraro, A.(2022) Expanding understanding of motherhood and sport in socio-cultural context: A narrative analysis of stories in the digital landscape. Sport Canada Research Initiative Conference, October, 2022.
McGannon, K.R., Kulkarni, S., Hladun, W., Bundon, A., & Pegoraro, A. (2022) Last shots and forced to choose: Exposing the motherhood penalty through narrative analysis of media stories of Canadian athletes’ journeys to the Tokyo Games. 43rd annual meeting of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November, 2022.
Mumcu, C., Xenofontos, A., Pegoraro, A., Lough, N. (2022). Is Hockey for Everyone? Inclusivity of Hockey and NHL Sport Marketing Association
Walsh, P., Blazka, M., and Pegoraro, A. (2022) Guardians of the brand: Online versus offline attitudes towards a rebrand. Sport Marketing Association
Lough, N., LaVoi, N, Pegoraro, A., Lebel, K., Mumcu, C., Antunovic, D., (2022) DisruptHERS, a new Model for Women’s Sport, Sport Marketing Association
Rich, K., and Pegoraro, A. Regional Policy and Organizational Fields in Multi-level Sport Governance European Association for Sport Management (Best paper Runner up)
Antunovic, D., Soltis, K*., Pegoraro, A., Mumcu, C., Lebel, K., LaVoi, N., and Lough, N. (2022) “To build a more just society”: WNBA teams’ uses of digital platforms for advocacy and community relations AEJMC 2022
Bakhsh, J., Taks, M., Kennedy, H. & Pegoraro, A. (2022) Bounded impacts: A comparison of perceived social impacts from traditional and digital sport event consumption North American Society for Sport Management
Wanless, E., Kennedy, H. & Pegoraro, A., (2022) What are Sport Consumers Talking About? Topic Modeling for Brand-Affiliated Twitter Content North American Society for Sport Management
Smith, L. & Pegoraro, A. (2022) Lighten Up, It’s Just a Joke: Effects of Sports Media Exposure on Rape Myth Beliefs and Bystander Intervention in Sexual Harassment and Assault 72nd Annual ICA
Frederick, E., Swim, N.* and Pegoraro, A. (2022). Racist state and the state of race: An analysis of Instagram commentary pertaining to LeBron James NASSS
Coombs, D., Osborne, A., Pegoraro, A. and Sveinson, K. (2022) Filling the Gaps in Sport Fan Research NASSS
Rich, K., Pegoraro, A., Gemar, A., and Boggs, J. (2022) Assessing Regional Differences in Sport Policy Implementation: A Socio-spatial Methodology NASSS
Warwick, L., Gonzales, J., Kennedy, H., Pegoraro, A., & Mishra, S. (2021) Leadership Diversity and COVID-19 Risk Management in NCAA Division 1 Football North American Society for Sport Management, virtual conference.
Taks, M., Bakhsh, J, & Pegoraro, A. (2021) Social Impacts Experiences of Sport Events and the Role of Social Media: Evidence from the 2019 NBA Finals North American Society for Sport Management, virtual conference.
Frederick, E. & Pegoraro, A. (2021) I'm not going to the f***ing White House:" Twitter reacts to Donald Trump and Megan Rapinoe 13th Summit on Communication and Sport Virtual March 3-7, 2021
Harker, J., Pratt, A., Lebel, K. & Pegoraro, A. (2021) #GenderGap - Voices of Women Faculty in Sport Communication 13th Summit on Communication and Sport Virtual March 3-7, 2021
Lebel, K., Pegoraro, A. & Harman, A. (2021) We Don't Know What We Don't Know: As Assessment of the Awareness of Women in Sport 13th Summit on Communication and Sport Virtual March 3-7, 2021
Bakhsh, J., Kennedy, H., Taks, M. & Pegoraro, A. (2021) Construct Validity of Social Media Impact Experience Scales for Sport Events 13th Summit on Communication and Sport Virtual March 3-7, 2021
Armstrong, C., Davies, M., Pegoraro, A. & Blaszka, M. (2020) Release the Kraken: An analysis of a virtual brand launch during a global pandemic Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand virtually Nov 30-Dec 4
Taks, M. & Pegoraro, A. (2020) The Role of Social Media in Social Impacts Experiences of Sport Events. North American Society for Sport Management, virtual conference
TRMH 6120 Foundations of Sport Management