Iain Murray

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Professor Murray joined the HTM faculty in 1985 but has been associated with the School since 1971. He has extensive experience in institutional foodservice both in Canada and the Middle East. He was a member of the Canadian Armed Forces for almost a decade prior to working in health care for 3 years. Since joining the faculty of the School, Professor Murray has taught over 16 different courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, and has twice served as the Graduate Coordinator.
Courses Taught
As has always been the School’s policy, Dr. Murray, as a senior faculty member, teaches the Intro to HTM course to freshmen students. In addition, he teaches a course on facilities design and management, and a course on tourism policy.
- PhD, Kansas State University
- M.Sc. (Consumer Studies), University of Guelph,
- B. Comm. (HAFA), University of Guelph
Professor Murray has combined his background in foodservice with his interest in tourism to conduct research related to issues of rural and culinary tourism.
Murray, I.P. (2005). Rural Culinary Tourism and its Inclusion in Tourism Education. Tourism Educator’s Conference, Whitehorse Yukon, June 2005.
Murray, I.P., and Haraldsdottir, L., (2005). Developing a Rural Culinary Tourism Product: Considerations and Resources for Success. ICTA Conference, San Francisco, June 2005.
Murray, I.P., and Marrack (2006). Designing Food Service Facilities for HACCP. ASAC Conference, Banff, Alberta, Jun 2006.
Murray, I.P., and Hyslop, J. (2006). The State of Energy Efficiency in Canadian Commercial Accommodation Guest Rooms. ASAC Conference, Banff, Alberta, Jun 2006.