Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies
Phone number:
ext. 58760
Macdonald Institute (MINS), Room 202D
“When One Bad Apple Spoils Consumers’ Judgment of the Brand: Exposure to an Employee’s Non-Workplace Transgression and Potential Remedies,” with Johnson, A.R. and Folkes, V (2018), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(4): 725-743.
“Identification and Attachment in Consumer-Brand Relationships”, with Sen, S., Johnson, A.R., and Bhattacharya, C.B. (2015), Review of Marketing Research, June 12: 151-174.
“How Context Shapes Category Inferences and Attribute Preference for New Ambiguous Products,” with Noseworthy, T. and Islam, T. (2012), Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(October), 529-524.