Kalinga Jagoda

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Currently accepting Graduate Students.
Sustainable Agriculture Research Initiative: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) (preparatory funding) 2023-2024, 35,000
Transformative Agricultural Futures for Climate Innovation: An Integrated Assessment of Net-Zero Agri-Food Landscapes
Alliance - Tier I Grant, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) , 2022-2025, 151,250
Market Analysis for Hazelnuts in Ontario: Optimizing Value Creation and Capture through Supply Chain Mapping
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) -2011-2014 33, 831
Improving Performance from Operations Strategy in the Canadian Resources Sector: The Impact of Organization Contexts (Role: Principal Investigator)
Alberta Rural Development Network Research Grant -2011-2016 90,000
Business Retention and Expansion Project (Role: Principal Investigator)
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development Research Grant- 2011-2016 80,000
Business Retention and Expansion Project (Role: Principal Investigator)
Industry Canada Grant- 2013-2014 20,000
Determining the Elements for a Study on the State of Entrepreneurship in Canada (Role: Co-Investigator)
Inter-Institutional Research Program for North America- 2011-2013 8,500
Corporate Internationalization Drivers and its Effects on North American Integration Role: Co-Investigator)
Alberta Rural Development Network Research Grant - 2010-2011 10,000
Business Retention and Expansion Pilot Project (Role: Principal Investigator)
Alberta Rural Development Network Conference Grant - 2010-2011 13,500
BR&E Symposium (Role: Principal Investigator)
Alberta Association of Colleges and Technical Institutions Grant- 2010 1,500
Faculty Mentored Student Innovation Program ((Role: Principal Investigator)
Mount Royal University Internal Research Grant -2009-2010 4,000
Operations Strategy Process, Operations Performance and the Significance of Organizational Context (Role: Principal Investigator)
Corner Brook City Council Grant -2007 10,000
Business Retention and Expansion Program (Role: Principal Investigator)
Asian Development Bank Research Grant -2000 50,000
Stage-Gate Model for Planning and Implementing International Technology Transfer (Role: Principal Investigator)
- Osakwe, O., Dhaliwal, S. and Jagoda, K. (2023). Use of government assisted financing by SMEs: an empirical examination of Canadian SMEs using the financial growth cycle, International Journal of Accounting & Business Finance 9(1), 167-187.
- Jagoda, K., Wang, R., and Kurji, R. (2022). Enabling management control systems in a service organisation: an exploratory case study, International Journal of Accounting and Finance 11 (2), 115-131
- Zhang, Y., De Zoysa, A. and Jagoda, K. (2021). The influence of second language learning motivation on students' understandability of textbooks, Accounting Research Journal 34 (4), 394-411.
- Jagoda, K, Wojcik, P. (2019). Implementation of risk management and corporate sustainability in the Canadian oil and gas industry: An evolutionary perspective, Accounting Research Journal 32 (3), 381-398.
- Jagoda, K, Lin, X., and Wojcik, P. (2018). Enabling Chinese FDI in Canadian oil sands: process and structure Transnational Corporations Review 10 (3), 268-279
- Jagoda, K. and Samaranayake, P. (2017). An integrated framework for ERP system implementation, International Journal of Accounting & Information Management 25 (1), 91-109
- Jagoda, K, Kiridena, S & Lin, X. (2016). Alternative operations strategy processes: do they matter? Production Planning & Control, 27(7-8), 740-752
- Jagoda, K., Calvert, V., Lin. H. and Tao, S. (2016). Accountability of Venture Support Agencies: Do They Really Help? Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 6(2), 175-206.
- Jagoda, K and Kiridena, S. (2015). Operations Strategy Processes and Performance: Insights from the Contract Apparel Manufacturing Industry, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 26 (2), 261-279
- Jagoda, K. and Thangarajah, P. (2014). A DEA approach for improving productivity of packaging production lines: a case study, Production Planning and Control, 25(2), 193-202.
- Vieira Junior, M., Jagoda, K, and Lucato, W. (2014). Effective management of international technology transfer projects: Insights from the Brazilian textile industry, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(1), 69-99.
- Gill, A., Jagoda, K and Lee, J. (2013). Implementing an Improved Inventory Management System in a Wholesale Distributor: A Canadian Case Study, International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 4(2), 126-142.
- Lin, H.X, Carsrud, A., Jagoda, K. and Shen, W. (2013). Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions: Applying Western Model to the Sri Lanka Context, Journal of Enterprising Culture 21(2), 153-174.
- Jagoda, K., Roy, D., & Maheswari, B. (2013). A Process Approach to Harnessing Crowd-Sourcing for NPD, International Journal of Technology Marketing, Vol. 8 (4), 395-410.
- Jagoda, K, Lonseth, R. and Lonseth, A. (2013). Bottom-Up Approach for Productivity Measurement and Improvement, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 62 (4), 387 – 406.
- Jagoda, K., Maheshwari, B. and Gutowski, G. (2012). Deer Creek Land Development (DCLD): Open Business Model approach to Sustaining Competitive Advantage, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 22(2), 133 – 144. Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence- Highly Commended Paper, 2013
- Pettipas, C. and Jagoda, K (2012). Creating an Independent Music Business in Canada: A Case Study, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. 20(2), 227-243.
- Jagoda. K., Lonseth, R., Jackman, T. and Lonseth, A. (2011). Development and commercialization of renewable energy technologies in Canada: An innovation system perspective, Renewable Energy, Vol. 36, 1266-1271.
- Calvert, V., Jagoda K. and Jensen, L. (2011). Developing Social Entrepreneurs through Business Curriculum: A Canadian Experience, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol.10 (3), 211-225.
- Jagoda, K. Lonseth, R. and Maheshwari, B. (2010). Key Issues in Managing Technology Transfer projects: Experiences from a Canadian SME, Management Decision, Vol. 48(3), 366-382.
- Bloomer, A., Jagoda K. and Landry, J. (2010). Canadian Oil Sands: How Innovation and Advanced Technologies Can Support Sustainable Development, International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, Vol.9 (2), 113-132.
- Jagoda, K., and Herath, K., (2010). Acquisition of Additional Debt Capital by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Evidence from Canada. International Journal of Management & Enterprise Development, Vol. 8 (2), 135-151.
- Jagoda, K. (2010). The use of Electronic Commerce by SMEs in Newfoundland, Canada, Entrepreneurial Practice Review, Vol. 1(3), 36-39.
Jagoda, K., Marshall, K., & Osakwe, C. (2014). A Model for the comparative risk analysis of pipelines. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), May 9-13, Muskoka, ON. Honorable Mention Award
Jagoda, K., Williamson, K. & Kurji, R. (2014). Beyond coordination and systems: Management controls at an amusement park. Proceedings of the American Accounting Association Southwest Annual Meeting, March 13-14, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Scott, B., Galbraith, E., & Jagoda, K. (2014). Beyond the playing field: Innovative approach for building Canadian Interuniversity Sports Program. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), May 9-13, Muskoka, ON.
Jagoda, K., Konstantinov, N., & Osakwe, C. (2014). A Model for the comparative risk analysis of pipelines. Proceedings of the 23rd International Management of Technology Annual Conference, May 22-26, Washington DC, USA.
Jagoda, K., Inamshaeva, S., & Puddu, F. (2014, June 2). Cost-Benefit Analysis of Super Single Tires and Dual Tires. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the Canadian Transport Research Forum (CTRF), June 1-4, Windsor, ON.
Jagoda, K. & McDonald, J. (2014). Building Private Brands in Grocery Retailing. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, May 9-12, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Jeffrey, L., Jagoda, K., & Kurji, R. (2013). Opportunity Snatching Job Search Experience of Accounting Graduates, Proceedings of the International Conference of Critical Accounting, April 24-25, New York, NY, USA.
Jagoda, K., Kiridena, S. & Lin, H.X. (2013). Alternative forms of operations strategy development: how significant are they? Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9-13, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Jagoda, K. (2013). Operations Strategy and Performance: An Exploratory Study of Apparel Manufacturing Businesses in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 8-11, Calgary, Alberta. Honorable Mention Award
Jagoda, K., & Wojcik, P. (2013). Implementation of Risk Management and Corporate Sustainability in the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry: An Evolutionary Perspective. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 8-11, Calgary, Alberta.
Jagoda, K., & Calvert, V (2013). Sustaining Rural SMEs: Examining the Role of Venture Support Agencies Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 8-11, Calgary, Alberta.
Jagoda, K. (2013). Aligning operations strategy, firm size and organizational performance: an empirical study in the Canadian Resource Sector, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, March 26-29, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.
Jagoda, K., Larsen, R., & Derbyshire, P. (2012). Sound Value: Early Evidence of Music Enterprise Models in the Canadian Music Industry. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE), September, 27-29, Halifax, NS.
Jagoda, K. & Nolan, T. (2012). Share, Re-Tweet, Blog: A Social Media Strategy for SMEs. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), June 10-13, Wellington, New Zealand.
Jagoda, K. & Woermke, A. (2012). Revolution to Participation: Managerial Approaches to Consumers' Social Media Behavior. Proceedings of the Association for Business Communication 77th Annual International Convention, October 24-27, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Jagoda, K., Powell, B. & Zarco, A. (2012). Technology Transfer to BRIC Countries: Lessons from the Canadian Oil and Gas Services Industry. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 6-9, St. John’s Newfoundland.
Jagoda, K., Naidu, J. & Yeung, E. (2012). Examination of Operations Strategy Processes of Canadian Oil and gas Companies. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 6-9, St. John’s Newfoundland.
Jagoda K. Curtis, G. (2012). Disappearing merchandise: An exploratory study of retail shrinkage and employee theft. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, April 20-23, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Jagoda K. & Raddis, J. (2012). Competitive environment, operations strategy, and performance: An empirical study of Canadian Oil and Gas Services Industry. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, April 20-23, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Jagoda K. & Balasuriya, V. (2012). Passenger’s perception of airport service quality: An exploratory study, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the Canadian Transport Research Forum (CTRF), June 3-6, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Jagoda K. & Simari, G. (2012). Team Dynamics and Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Insights from the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, April 20-23, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Jagoda, K., Ho, B. Boyer, M. (2012). Linking Operations Strategy and Performance: An Empirical Study of the Canadian Oil and Gas Firms. Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference of the Performance Management Association (PMA), July 11-13, University of Cambridge, UK
Jagoda, K., & Wojcik, P. (2012). Innovation for Sustainable Development: The case of Canadian Oil Sands. Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Commerce and Sustainability, October 4-5, Calgary, Canada.
Jagoda, K., Payne, M. & Mohat, S. (2012). Operations Strategy, Organizational Contexts, and Operations performance: An empirical study in the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry. In Proceedings of the 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM), June 26-29, Limerick, Ireland.
Jagoda, K., Johnson, N., & Luciuk, M. (2011). National Innovation System Framework for Sustainable Development of the Canadian Oil Sands. Proceedings of the 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference, July 3-6, Cambridge, UK.
Zahir, S., Jagoda, K., & Sarker, R. (2011). Optimal Warehousing and Supply Chain Decisions at a Beverage Distribution Centre. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, July 2-5, Montreal, Québec.
Jagoda, K., Lonseth, A., & Lonseth, R. (2011). Productivity Measurement and Improvement: A Bottom-Up Approach. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), July 2-5, Montreal, Québec
Lee, J., & Jagoda, K. (2011). Structuring and Financing International Technology Transfer Projects. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, April 29-May 2, Reno, Nevada, USA.
Smulders, M., & Jagoda, K. (2011). From Military to Entrepreneurship: The Canadian Perspective. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Conference of the International Council for Small Business, June 15-18, Stockholm, Sweden. Nominated for the Best Paper Award.
Jagoda, K. and Zizler, P. (2010). Impacts and Implications of Renewable Energy Incentive Schemes in a Market-based Economy: The Canadian Case, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Management of Technology, March 8-11,Cairo, Egypt.
Jagoda, K. and Zahir, S. (2010). Social Responsibility at Bison to Provide Environmentally Conscious Freight Transportation Services, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Annual Conference, May 22-25, Regina, Saskatchewan.
Valladares, H., Jagoda, K., & Prieto, B. Barriers to Implementing ABC in Emerging Economies: Lessons from the Mexican Logistics Sector, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, May 7-10, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Jagoda, K., López Regalado, M.E. and Valladares, H. (2010). Sustainable practices in the aquaculture industry: a Mexican case study, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE), October 28-30, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Jagoda, K. and Thangarajah, P. (2009). Comparative Evaluation of Production Efficiency: A DEA Approach, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, October 20-22, San Francisco, USA.