Louis Christofides | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Louis Christofides

University Professor Emeritus
Department of Economics and Finance
Phone number: 
Ext. 52188
MacKinnon (MCKN), Room 736

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Louis Christofides is Professor Emeritus at both the University of Guelph and University of Cyprus. He has served as Chair of the Department of Economics at both of these universities, and he is a former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management at Cyprus.

​He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Essex, UK (BA Honours in Economics, 1968) and graduate studies at the University of Essex, UK (MA in Economics, 1969) and the University of British Columbia, Canada (PhD in Economics, 1973).

Dr. Christofides' research has spanned the areas of wage and employment determination, the incidence and intensity of wage indexation, contract duration, unemployment insurance, job duration, participation in social assistance programs and labour supply, low-inflation wage adjustment, the measurement of real and nominal wage rigidity, language proficiency and the labour market, and the economics of education.

View abstracts and full length articles @ RePEc (Research Papers in Economics): https://ideas.repec.org/f/pch490.html#works