Statia Elliot, PhD.

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Statia comes to the School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management with a combination of academic study in business, and over 10 years work experience in tourism. From Consultant with Tourism Ontario, to Director of Marketing for Travel Manitoba, Statia’s career spans the fields of research, policy, marketing and management. She is Chair of the Ontario Tourism Education Corporation Board of Directors, and Past President of the Travel and Tourism Research Association of Canada, past board member of the Tourism Alliance of Western and Northern Canada, and the Canadian Tourism Commission Research Committee. Statia has travelled extensively, lived and studied in South Korea, and now makes Guelph her home. Statia teaches Hospitality & Tourism Marketing, and International Tourism at undergraduate and graduate levels. She has taught undergraduate courses in introductory marketing and international consumer behaviour at Carleton University, MBA level marketing for Laurentian University, and marketing management as part of the Management Development for Women certificate program at University of Manitoba.
Ph.D. (2008), Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
M.A. in Economics (1984), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
Bachelor of Commerce (1983), St. Mary’s University, Halifax, NS
Statia is a CBE Fellowship Recipient, and has also received funding from OMAFRA and the Federal Economic Development Agency to support her research. In 2012, she received the John Urry Research award, and in her time at Carleton University, she received the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement.
Academic Memberships
Travel and Tourism Research Association, Canadian Chapter, Board of Directors
Ontario Restaurant, Hotel and Motel Association, Guelph Wellington County
Canadian Hotel Marketing and Sales Executives
Destination Marketing Association International
Statia’s research interests draw on her in-depth experience in marketing, with a focus on tourism destination image and place branding, and contemporary issues such as e-marketing. She is interested in all aspects of tourism marketing, including the related fields of product-country image and cross-cultural consumer behaviour.
Mulvey, M.S., Lever, M.W. & Elliot, S. (2020) A cross-national comparison of intragenerational variability in social media sharing. Journal of Travel Research. Vol. 59(7), 1204-1220.
Liang, L.J. & Elliot, S. (2020) A systematic review of augmented reality tourism research: What is now and what is next? Tourism and Hospitality Research. 146735840941913
Wong, AKF, Kim, S. Lee, S. & Elliot, S. (2020) An application of Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process in understanding hotel corporate social responsiblity performance scale. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 1-27.
Khazaei, A., Joppe, M. & Elliot, S. (2019) Mapping a diverse community's engagement in parks planning. Leisure Sciences. Vol. 41(4), 294-312.
Frochot, I., Kreziak, D. & Elliot, S. (2019). Home away from home: A longitudinal study of the holiday appropriation process. Tourism Management. Vol. 71, 327-336.
Adongo, R., Kim, S. & Elliot, S. (2019). “Give and take”: A social exchange perspective on festival stakeholder realttions. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 75, 42-57.
Lever, M., & Elliot, S. (2018). The Northern Likes: The Case of Northwest Territories' Social Media Campaign. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases, Vol. 7 (3).
Khazaei, A., Elliot, S., & von Massow, M. (2018). Parks Canada's Rouge National Urban Park: An Opportunity to Showcase Canada's True Nature. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases, 6 (3), 37-47.
Khazaei, A., Joppe, M., & Elliot, S. (2018). Mapping a Diverse Community's Engagement in Parks Planning. Leisure Sciences, 19. 1-19.
Khazaie, A., Elliot, S., & Joppe, M. (2017). Fringe Stakeholder Engagement in Protected Area Tourism Planning: Inviting Immigrants to the Sustainability Conversation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25 (12), 1877-1894.
Murray, W., Elliot, S., Simmonds, K., Madeley, D., & Taller, M. (2017). Human Resource Challenges in Canada's Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding Innovative Solutions. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 9 (4), 391-401.
Manley, B., Elliot, S., & Jacobs, S. (2017). Expedition Cruising in the Canadian Arctic: Visitor Motives and the Influence of Education Programming on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours. Resources, 6 (3), 20.
De Nisco, A., Papadopoulos, N., & Elliot, S. (2017). From International Travelling Consumer to Place Ambassador: Connecting Place Image to Tourism Satisfactions and Post-visit Intentions. International Marketing Review, 34 (3), 425-443.
Kim, S., Schuckert, M., Im, H., & Elliot, S. (2017). An Interregional Extension of Destination Brand Equity: From Hong Kong to Europe. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23 (4), 277-294.
Frochot, I., Elliot, S., & Kreziak, D. (2017). Digging Deep ino the Experience: flow and immersion patterns in a mountain holiday. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11 (1), 81-91.
Elliot, S., & Papadopoulos, N. (2016). Of products and tourism destinations: An integrative, cross-national study of place image. Journal of Business Research, 69, 1157-1165.
Elliot, S., Khazaei, A., & Durand, L. (2016). Measuring Dimensions of Brand Influence for Tourism Products and Places. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 10 (4), 1-27.
Khazaei, A., Elliot, S., & Joppe, M. (2015). An application of stakeholder theory to advance community participation in tourism planning: the case for engaging immigrants as fringe stakeholders. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23 (7), 1049-1062.
Joppe, M., & Elliot, S. (2015). A Transformational Journey for Tourism Pedagogy. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 15 (3), 201-203,
Papadopoulos, N., Elliot, S., & Szamosi, L. (2014). Measuring Business Tourism Destination Image of Greek Convention Cities. Tourism Analysis, 19 (4), 505-516.
Kim, S., Elliot, S., Law, R., & Chon, K. (2014). Differences in Expectations and Perceptions between Hospitality Providers and International Customers: The Case of Korean and Japanese Group Tourists in Thai Hotels. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 15, 121-149.
Wansink, B., Elliot, S., Chawala, S. (2014) How Foodies Make Decisions, in Have Fork Will Travel by (Ed) Wolf, E., World Food Travel Association, 71.
Elliot, S., Li, G., & Choi, C. (2013). Understanding Service Quality in a Virtual Travel Community Environment. Journal of Business Research, 66 (8).
Wan, Y., Kim, S., & Elliot, S. (2013). Behavioral Differences in Gaming Patterns among Chinese Subcultures as Perceived by Macao Casino Staff. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54 (4), 358-369.
Joppe, M., Elliot, S., & Durand, L. (2013). From Ski Market to Ski Traveler: A Multidimensional Segmentation Approach. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 24 (1), 40-51.
Elliot, S., Papadopoulos, N., & Szamosi, L. (2013). Studying Place Image: An Interdisciplinary and Holistic Approach. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 24 (1), 5-16.
Papadopoulos, N., Elliot, S., & De Nisco, A. (2013). From 'Made-In' to 'Product-Country Images' and 'Place Branding': A Journey through Research Time and Space. Mercati e Competitività, 2, 37-57.
Elliot, S. and Barth, J. (2014) Crafting Brand Stories for New World Wine, in Wine and Identity: Branding, Heritage, Terroir by (Eds) Harvey, M., White, L., Frost, W. Routledge studies of Gastronomy, Food and Drink, 89-100.
Elliot, S.,Papadopoulos N., Szamosi, L. (2013) Studying place imge: an interdisciplinary and holistic appoach. Anatolia, (1) 5-16.
Wan, P., Kim, S., and Elliot,S. (2013) Behavioral Differences in Gaming Patterns among Chinese Subcultures as Perceived by Macao Casino Staff. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(4) 358-369.
Joppe, M., Elliot, S., & Durand, L. (2013) From ski market to ski traveler: a multidimensional segmentation approach. Anatolia 24(1) 40-51.
Papadopoulos, N., Elliot, S., & De Nisco, A.(2013) From 'Made-in' to 'Product-Country Images' and 'Place Branding': A Journey through Research Time and Space. Mercati e Competitivia No. 2, 37-57.
Lange-Faria, W. and Elliot, S. (2012) Understanding the role of social media in destination marketing, Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, Volume 7, Issue 1 No. 725 (May).
Elliot, S., Li, G. and Choi, C. (2012) Understanding Service Quality in a Virtual Travel Community Environment, Journal of Business Research DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.031.
Im, Hyunjung, Kim, S. Elliot, S. and Han, H. (2012) Conceptualizing Destination Brand Equity Dimensions from a Consumer-Based Brand Equity Perspective, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing JT1732, p. 385-403.
De Nisco, A., Elliot, S., Papadopoulos, N., Mainolfi, G., Marino, V. and Napolitano, M. (2012) Turismo internazionale ed effetto “made in”. L’influenza dell’immagine Paese sulla soddisfazione turistica e le intenzioni post-visita, Mercati e Competitività No. 3, 2012.
Elliot, S. and Barth, J. (2012) Wine Label Design and Personality Preferences of Millennials, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 21, Spring/Summer 2012 issue.
Elliot, S., Papadopoulos, N. and Kim, S. (2011) An Integrated Model of Place Image: Exploring Tourism Destination Image and Product-Country Image Relationships, Journal of Travel Research (in press).
Elliot, S. and Choi, C. (2011) Motivational considerations of the new generation of cruising, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, special issue on cruise tourism, Vol. 18 (1) pp. 41-47.
Elliot, S. (2011) Towards effective place brand management: branding European cities and regions, Annals of Tourism Research, book review, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 1210-1211.
Elliot, S. and Durand, L. (2011). Mapping culinary tourist communities of interest across traveller segments, Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference Proceedings, European Chapter, Archamps, France, April 11-13.
Elliot, S. (2010) Tourism Away from the Mainstream: The Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Conference, Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, Vol. 5 (2), pp. 225-230.
Guoxin, L., Elliot, S. and Choi, C. (2010). Electronic Word-of-Mouth in B2C Virtual Communities: An Empirical Study of, Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 20 (3).
Elliot, S. and Joppe, M. (2010) Motivations for Booking Packaged Travel Online. Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference Proceedings, Canada, Quebec City, Quebec, October 13-15.
Elliot, S. and Litvin, S. (2010) Comparing Influence on Trip Planning Behaviour of Using Selective “Place Appeal” versus an “All Inclusive” Style in Destination Marketing. Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference Proceedings, International, San Antonio, Texas, June 20-22.
Elliot, S. and Joppe, M. (2009) A Case Study and Analysis of e-Tourism Curriculum Development, Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, Vol. 9, No. 3-4, pp. 230-247.
Elliot, S. (2009) User-Generated Videos in Tourism Destination Marketing: Using narrative analysis to deconstruct video travel stories, Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference Proceedings, International, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Elliot, S. and Pries, F. (2008) Case Teaching across Disciplinary Boundaries, The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Guelph.
Elliot, S. and Papadopoulos, N. (2007) Model of International Destination and Product Relationships, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 22-25
Elliot, S. and Dyke, L. (2007) Exploration of the role of work attire in the Canadian Forces, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2-5
Elliot, S.E. (2006) An extended review of research on tourism destination image: from the observations of Aristotle, to the branding of place, lead chapter in Contemporary Issues in Tourism: Perspectives and Challenges, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece
Elliot, S.E. and Papadopoulos, N. (2006) Product-Country Image and Tourism Destination Image: An integrative review, implications, and agenda for research, in Contemporary Issues in Tourism: Perspectives and Challenges, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece
Kapoor, H., Heslop, L.A. and Elliot, S.E. (2005) Does competition matter in the evaluation of brand extensions? Extended abstract, Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference, May 13-15 2004, Seoul, South Korea, Volume 6, p. 86
Statia teaches Introductory Hospitality & Tourism, Marketing, and International Tourism. She has taught undergraduate courses in introductory marketing and international consumer behaviour at Carleton University, MBA level marketing for Laurentian University, and marketing management as part of the Management Development for Women certificate program at University of Manitoba.