Tahereh Hasani | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Tahereh Hasani

Assistant Professor
Department of Management
Phone number: 
ext. 52313
Macdonald Hall (MAC), Room 323

I am an Assistant Professor in Cyber-Entrepreneurship and Information Management in the Department of Management in Gordon LANG School of Business & Economics. My research program focuses on evaluating the impacts of adopting new technologies on companies’ performance. I have developed frameworks and toolsets for businesses to identify factors impacting the adoption of new technologies and how they should use these technologies to improve the performance of their business. I built frameworks for SMEs to adopt cybersecurity technologies, privacy  enhancing technologies, social customer relationship management technologies, and more recently, blockchain and augmented reality technologies. I am always fascinated by the growth that disruptive technologies bring to businesses and the wider impacts of these technologies on improving the quality of business processes. My results have been published in many reputable journals, such as the Springer Nature Journal of Business & Economics, the International Journal of Engineering Business Management, and (Emerald) Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies.I have taught many courses to different levels of undergraduate students in business and management as the main instructor in both Canada and the UK, including Marketing Information Management, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Marketing Communication, and Marketing Analytics. 

I am primarily interested in studying how adoption of new technologies such as cybersecurity and AI affect companies' performance with special focus on start-up businesses. Start-up companies are naturally difficult to study as they are very fast-changing companies with relatively low success rates. However, history has shown how successful start-up businesses have changed societies and made unimaginable wealth. I am very interested in business solutions that increase start-up companies' success rate, especially during their early/seed stage. I am specifally looking for new students / collaborators for the following projects: 

- Investigating effects of new technologies adoption on marketing performance of start-up businesses: 21st century is known for its fast rate of technology development. The century started with the wide adoption of Internet-based e-technologies (e-mail, ebanking, e-marketing) in businesses. It continued with mobile technologies adoption (mcommerce, m-CRM, etc.) and, more recently, the adoption of social networking technologies (s-CRM, s-recruitment, etc.). Soon we will see the adoption of other new technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), that can significantly change the face of our businesses. Investigating the effects of these new technologies adoption on the performance of companies and understanding factors that affect companies' decision to adopt any new technologies is a significant research challenge.

- Disruptive marketing strategies for start-up companies: A disruptive marketing strategy is a process by which valuable marketing activities initially built within a department or function in an organization are relentlessly moving across a company's internal departments and eventually connecting with external businesses. Disruptive marketing aims to ensure that market-based value creation is delivered to the company's stakeholders. The innovative nature of start-up companies often leads to many innovations/products that do not have an accurate market value. These activities are among the leading cause of failure for start-up businesses. Therefore, understanding elements that should be included in the design and implementation of disruptive marketing strategies for start-up companies, along with tests to ensure that all activities are directed toward market-based value creation, is a significant research challenge that may affect the success rate of start-up businesses.

- Formulation and implementation of sustainable marketing strategies: Developing a successful marketing strategy is a difficult task. Implementing a sustainable strategy is an even more significant challenge. A sustainable marketing strategy should align well with organizational structure, organizational culture, management values, and employee motivation and qualities. Understanding the weight of different factors contributing to developing a successful sustainable marketing strategy and implementing such a strategy in different organizations is an exciting research challenge.

For the most recent publication, please refer to: Tahereh Hasani's Google Scholar profile 

Area of Research

consumer behaviour
Executive Programs
market & consumer research
marketing management
organizational management