Auto door at south/rear of building; follow accessible entrance signs
P64 near College Ave & Gordon Street
Level One: Central Animal Facility: beside Rm. 148
Level One: Left, down hall from accessible entrance; buttons may be difficult to reach
Unisex washroom on first floor; right off elevator, left toward Rm. 126, on right
The History of the OVC
A Scottish trained Veterinarian, Andrew Smith founded the Ontario Veterinary College in Toronto in 1862. Initially known as the Upper Canada Veterinary school the college became affiliated with the University of Toronto in 1897. For sixty years, OVC remained in the city. First on Temperance Street and then moving to University Avenue in 1914. The college would ultimately move to it's current home in Guelph in 1922.
As the urban horse population declined the college needed to be closer to the Ontario Agricultural College and the province's livestock community. The main building in Guelph consisted of administrative spaces, classrooms, a dissection laboratory on the top floor, laboratory space, a library and an Anatomy museum. In addition a large gray barn served as an infirmary. This barn remained on campus until 1991.
With over 150 graduating classes to date, the OVC has a rich heritage with many traditions. Close bonds with classmates grew out of the hard work and shared experiences with the same peers over four years.
Since at least the early 1970's, OVC students have chosen unique mascots to represent their class years and created customized jackets. Their spirit also spilled over into sports. For decades, OVC students would battle the boys across the street in OAC. While the Challenge Cup hockey tournament is still going strong and has witnessed OVC students and alumni competing on the ice since 1931.
OVC Today
Today ranked as the number one vet College in Canada, the OVC's footprint takes up much of the real estate on the west side of Gordon Street with many of it's classes and labs still held inside these very walls.

Ontario Veterinary College 1862
This college, known until 1869 as the Upper Canada Veterinary School, was the first in Canada to offer courses in veterinary medicine. It was established in Toronto in 1862 by the Board of Agriculture, and although partially sponsored by this government body it was operated as a private enterprise by Prof. Andrew Smith, a graduate of Edinburgh Veterinary College. Incorporated in 1896, the college was affiliated with the University of Toronto in 1897, although the latter did not confer degrees in veterinary science until 1908. In that year Prof. Smith retired, and the Ontario Government acquired his interest in the college. Placed under the Department of Agriculture, it was moved to Guelph in 1922.
Stroll south along the west side of Gordon Street and enjoy the view of Johnston Green to the left and OVC (Ontario Veterinary College) on the right. This leads you to the Dairy Building.
The free-standing plaque is located in the southwest corner of College and Gordon Streets.
For more information about the Historical Walking Tour, please contact:
Alumni Affairs & Development
(519) 824-4120 ext. 56934