Senior Seminar Series: Sharlaine Harris and Christian Carlucci

Date and Time


UC 442


Sharlaine Harris (M.Sc. candidate, Mutharia lab)
Seminar Title:  "Population Structure Studies on Strains of Flavobacterium branchiophilum from Ontario, Canada"

Dr. Christian Carlucci (Ph.D. alumni, Allen-Vercoe lab, and current Nubiyota employee)
Seminar Title: "Science in Academia and Industry: Thoughts and Perspectives on Both "
Details: This seminar will include a short presentation followed by an open discussion with Christian regarding his experiences with both elements of scientific work. This is an excellent opportunity for all current graduate students to gain insight and first-hand knowledge of scientific avenues they may be considering after graduation. This is also an excellent opportunity to create and deliver poop-related puns related to science in the only environment where it is acceptable.

************   All welcome   ***********  Arrive early (3:45 - 4:10 pm) for complimentary appetizers! **********

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