Past Events

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Bioinformatics Graduate Program - Welcome Event!

We are hosting an in-person welcome event for the Bioinformatics Graduate Program on Thurs. Feb. 2, 2023 from 2:30-4 pm in SSC2315 to share information about the program with faculty and students. To register:

Graduate Seminar - Ashley Fisher

Topic: The roles of Dbf4-dependent kinase and Chromatin Assembly Factor I in epigenetic gene silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Graduate Seminar - Thomas Kunjumon

Topic: Investigations on membrane contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum and chloroplast

Graduate Seminar - Bradley Fitzgerald

Topic: Effect of intestinal stressors on the growth and metabolic profile of Lachnospiraceae isolates of the human gut microbiome

Graduate Seminar - Bianka Ketheeswaranathan

Topic: Studying the effects of gut microbiome derived metabolites from high-fiber diets on the neural development and gene expression of model zebrafish

Confocal Laser Scanning Workshop

Workshop: January 16-20, 2023, in the Imaging Facility Individual appointments - virtual or in-person. Please bring your samples!   For more information and to register contact Michaela Strüder-Kypke at

CIHR Town Hall

MC: Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice-President (Research) CIHR Presentation: Dr. Michael Strong will discuss the evolving nature of health research funding including providing insights into a range of federal funding programs, describing the impact of the pandemic on CIHR program funding, sharing ways to foster a more integrated federal funding ecosystem, and highlighting a few specific initiatives for CIHR over the coming months.

Confocal Laser Scanning Seminar

The Molecular and Cellular Imaging Facility (MCIF) is excited to present a seminar and workshop in collaboration with Leica Microsystems this month! Seminar:  Confocal and Super-Resolution Imaging with the Leica STELLARIS  Dr. Lianne Dale (Leica Microsystems)

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