Congratulations To MCB Researchers Who Received 2017-18 NSERC Funding

Posted on Thursday, September 14th, 2017

Congratulations to MCB Researchers who received 2017-18 NSERC Funding:

Discovery Grants:

  • Joseph Colasanti
  • Marc Coppolino
  • Nina Jones
  • David Josephy
  • Janet Wood

Discovery Accelerator Supplement:

  • Nina Jones

Research Tools and Instruments:

  • Doug Goff - Food Science (co-applicants: Emma Allen-Vercoe (MCB), Nina Jones (MCB), Cezar Khursigara (MCB), and Chris Whitfield (MCB))
  • Steffen Graether (co-applicants: Leonid Brown (PHYS), George Harauz (MCB), Rod Merrill (MCB), Stephen Seah (MCB), Janet Wood (MCB), Cezar Khursigara (MCB))
  • Terry Van Raay (co-applicants: Nick Bernier (IB), Scott Ryan (MCB), Glen Van Der Kraak (IB), John Dawson (MCB), Todd Gillis (IB), Niel Karrow (OAC))

For more information, please visit the NSERC Funding Decisions Webpage





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