
Attack is the Best Form of Defense: Finding New Ways to Target Cystic Fibrosis Bacteria

Many of us know that cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder characterized by enduring and debilitating lung infections. What may be less well-known is that the main pathogen involved in these lung infections is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacteria capable of causing significant morbidity and mortality in people with cystic fibrosis.

Complete Your United Way Pledge Card

Don't forget to complete your United Way pledge card online. Donations are accepted by payroll deduction or credit card and support local organizations that improve life for our community. You could win weekly incentive prizes for donating!

Honouring Truth and Reconciliation at U of G

Learning the truth about the effects of colonization and the residential school system and engaging in reconciliation is a shared responsibility.  As a place of higher learning, we have an obligation to educate on this tragic reality of Canada’s history and to work toward addressing the ongoing colonial legacy of residential schools.

Guelph iGEM Team Ties for 1st at iGEM Mini-Jamboree at Concordia U

The team presented their research project at the iGEM mini-jamboree held at Concordia University and their presentation was ranked first place (tied with Queen’s University) in the event. The min-jamboree is an event where iGEM teams in the region can meet, present their work and share ideas. Be

New Larger, More Accessible McLaughlin Library Entrance

The McLaughlin Library is pleased to announce the completion of its new entrance. Facing onto Johnston Green and featuring eight doors, including two accessibility entrances, and a vestibule three times larger than the previous one, the new entrance was built to easily accommodate a greater volume of library visitors. READ MORE

iGEM Team Awarded the 2022 iGEM Impact Grant

Teams that participate in the iGEM Competition are pioneers of synthetic biology, and these grants will empower 2022 teams to secure funding for impactful projects in reacting to climate change, enhancing human health, improving agriculture production and food security, scaling up the sustainable industrial production, and many other critical challenges.  READ MORE...

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