
Graduate Faculty

  • Akhtar, Tariq - Associate Professor (plant metabolism and secondary metabolites)
  • Allen-Vercoe, Emma - Professor (microbial ecology of the gut)
  • Alpaugh, Melanie - Assistant Professor (protein pathology in neurodegenerative diseases)
  • Bendall, Andrew - Associate Professor (molecular biology of vertebrate development)
  • Campbell, Malcolm - Professor (plant genome biology)
  • Colasanti, Joseph - Associate Professor (developmental signalling in plants)
  • Coppolino, Marc - Associate Professor (membrane traffic, control of integrin function, cellular motility)
  • Cox, Georgina - Associate Professor (pathogenic bacteria, antibiotic resistance, bacterial virulence)
  • Dawson, John - Professor and Faculty Director, CBS Office of Educational Scholarship and Practice (COESP), CBS ADA (muscle proteins)
  • Geddes-McAlister, Jennifer - Canada Research Chair, Director of the Bioinformatics Graduate Program and Associate Professor (mass spectrometry-based proteomics approach to Systems Biology of host-pathogen interactions )
  • Graether, Steffen - Professor (structure and biochemistry of drought- and cold-stress proteins, intrinsically disordered proteins)
  • Harkness, Robert - Assistant Professor (structural dynamics of biological molecules in human health and disease)
  • Jones, Nina - Professor, Canada Research Chair (signaling events in mammalian development and disease including cancer, kidney disease and neuroscience)
  • Khursigara, Cezar - Department Chair, Professor (high-resolution imaging, cell division and bacterial biofilms)
  • Kimber, Matthew - Professor (macromolecular crystallography)
  • Lalonde, Jasmin - Associate Professor and Director of Neuroscience Collaborative Specialization (molecular and cellular neuroscience, activity-dependent gene expression)
  • Lu, Ray - Associate Professor (gene regulation, cellular stress response, animal stress and metabolism)
  • Mathur, Jaideep - Associate Professor and Graduate Studies Coordinator (plant cell biology and development, cytoskeleton, subcellular interactions)
  • Meng, Baozhong - Professor (plant virology, molecular and cellular biology of RNA viruses, virus-host interactions)
  • Mullen, Robert - Professor, University Research Chair (plant cell and molecular biology, plant organelle biogenesis)
  • Myers, Cullen - Assistant Professor (bacterial envelope biology)
  • Pundir, Priyanka - Assistant Professor (host immune response, host-pathogen interactions, mouse genetic models) 
  • Sanders, Shaun - Assistant Professor (palmitoylation-dependent protein trafficking)
  • Scott, Angela - Assistant Professor (glial cell bioloby in neurodevelopment and disease)
  • Seah, Stephen - Professor (iron acquisition systems in microbial pathogens, enzymes for bioremediation)
  • Shapiro, Rebecca - Associate Professor (fungal pathogenesis and genomics)
  • Sorbara, Matthew - Assistant Professor (microbiome, antibiotic-resistant pathogens)
  • Tetlow, Ian - Professor (plant metabolism, glycobiology)
  • Uniacke, Jim - Professor (regulation of protein synthesis and oxygen-sensing in human normal and cancer cells)
  • Vahidi, SiavashAssistant Professor (structure, function, and dynamics of the intracellular protein degradation machinery)
  • van der Merwe, George - Associate Professor (fermentation, Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts) 
  • Van Raay, Terry - Associate Professor (regulation of Wnt signaling, cellular polarity, zebrafish)
  • Vessey, John - Assistant Professor (RNA localization in neural precursor cells)
  • Wijekoon, Enoka - Assistant Professor (teaching focus)
  • Xu, Yang - Assistant Professor (plant and microalgal lipid biochemistry and synthetic biology)
  • Yankulov, Krassimir - Professor (Epigenetics and DNA replication)

Associated Graduate Faculty

  • Atefi-Monfared, Kamelia
  • Bakker, Matthew
  • Bose, Jeffrey
  • Clarke, Anthony
  • Droit, Arnaud
  • Gong, Joshua
  • Kalan, Lindsay
  • Lepp, Dion
  • Ryan, Scott
  • Stokes, Jon
  • Whitfield, Chris
  • Wills, Melanie
  • Wright, Gerard