Dr. Malcolm CampbellProfessor, VP ResearchDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 56926 / 54841Office: SSC 3518
Dr. Anthony ClarkeAdjunct Professor; Professor EmeritusDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 54124 / 54902Email: aclarke@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 3522
Dr. Joe ColasantiAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 58052 / 54841Email: jcolasan@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 4467
Dr. Colin CooperUndergraduate Teaching CoordinatorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: x 58763 Email: ccoope08@uoguelph.ca Office: SSC 3502
Dr. Marc CoppolinoAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 53031 Email: mcoppoli@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 2245
Dr. Georgina CoxAssociate Professor, Canada Research ChairDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 54991Email: gcox@uoguelph.caOffice: 4244
Marissa DahariUndergraduate Teaching Coordinator and Laboratory DemonstratorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 53329Email: mdahari@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 3503
Dr. John DawsonProfessor and Director, CBS Office of Educational Scholarship and Practice (COESP)Department of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 53867 / 58181Email: jdawso01@uoguelph.caOffice: SCIE 2248
Dr. Michael J. EmesProfessorDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyPhone number: 58905 / 58852Email: memes@uoguelph.caOffice: SSC 4448
Dr. Cecil W. ForsbergProfessor EmeritusDepartment of Molecular and Cellular BiologyEmail: cforsber@uoguelph.ca